Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Three Days Late. . .

I wish I had found these pictures a few days ago.  They would have been perfect to post on Halloween.  Oh well, better late than never. . . or maybe some of you would have preferred not to see them at all.  These pictures are not for the squeamish, that is for sure.

This is the site that tells the story.  You can click on it to go there or just Google "mummies of Guanajuato". 

The Grisly Mummy Museum in Guanajuato, Mexico

In the 1860s, a silver-mining town in Mexico began burying their dead in a crypt…only to discover 10 years later that they had inadvertently mummified their loved ones.

These mummies died during a cholera outbreak in 1833.  You can also read more about it here:

OK now, if you can after viewing this posting, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Well that went nicely with my lunch. :)

    1. That will teach you to not read blog postings while eating. . . (grin)

  2. Was just getting ready to eat my lunch. Thanks Dizzy. :) This could be a good weight reduction program.

  3. I think the photo of the 4 children is one of the saddest I've ever seen.

  4. no disease has no respect so sad. But I will go read more about.

    1. You sure are right, JO. Diseases can affect anyone.

  5. These would have been perfect for Halloween and The Day of the Dead. Very interesting pictures.

    1. That is why my title says that I was few days late posting this blog.

  6. I checked that website... that town is located directly across from where I live... only I live on the west coast and Guanajuato is in the middle of the country.... I'm guessing maybe 300 miles away from us. Not sure this is a museum I'd like to visit though.

    1. No, it would not be high on my list of places to visit, but it is part of that area's history and would be interesting.

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