Monday, October 17, 2016

Feeding Our Dogs.

I have heard veterinarians and kennel owners say that to improve a dogs appetite, skip feeding them one day a week.  Our dogs wouldn't stand for that!!  Like I told you before, my wife cooks for our pups and they get good, wholesome home cooked meals every day.  They get fed every day at or very near eleven in the morning.  At ten, the oldest pup sits and stares at my wife.  That pup is very intelligent and either she or her stomach can tell time.  It is uncanny for sure.

The three of them know their places to eat.  No, we don't set a table for them but they do have their assigned seats, so to speak.  The oldest gal eats beside the water dish, the boy eats out on the screened in porch and after he is finished, he goes out in the dogs' fenced in yard.  The youngest pup, eats inside her "house", but with the door open.  As soon as their food is cooked and cools off, they all run to their places in happy anticipation of what is to come.  They are never disappointed, but that doesn't keep them from begging for more.  Yes, our dogs eat better than some people.  Talk about a dogs life!!!  Our dogs have a good life whether they know it or not.  They seem to love us and also seem thankful, at least we would like to think so.  Now you all enjoy either your human life or your dog's life, which ever you choose, but always have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think those dogs must have very happy lives, home-cooked meals, their own special eating spots, etc.

    1. We try to make it pleasant for them. They are like our kids.

  2. I love this Dizzy, those little guys and gal have a great life.

    1. Yes they do. I wonder if they know that? They don't like it when they go to the groomers (grin).

  3. My Dad used to sit at the table with the littlest dog on his lap and feed her bite by bite out of his hand. He didn't feed us kids that way! What happy dogs you must have ;-)

    1. I guess I am like your Dad. Our pups our a joy in our lives.

  4. I have three dogs as well but Pedrito the dominant dog is tied up or he would be fighting to eat the other dogs food.

    Tammy the girl dog is very submissive and does not put up a fight if Oscar wants to eat her food after he has eaten all of his, so I have to be around to supervise.

    You guys are great "dog parents"...I can barely warm up stuff for Mom and I, so there is no way I would ever even considered cooking for them like your wife does. They get dry dog food and if they are lucky chicken bones.

    1. MsBelinda. Chicken bones and pork bones are very harmful for pets. They splinter and cut into an animals innards! I thought everyone knew this. I simmer chicken bones for days until they become mushy- safe then.

    2. Dizzy I had no idea about chicken bones. I have only had one dog my whole life but since I hardly ever ate chicken then, besides his dry dog food...he had pizza and hamburgers.

      Pedrito and the other two are strays so they are used to eating anything in order to survive. I feed Pedrito chicken bones whenever we have some as I feel guilty for having him tied up and he seems to love them.

  5. I have never had a dog that lived in the house. But I must say your dogs have a good life. And that is the way it should be for man's best friend. Post a picture of you "buddies" sometime.

    1. I have posted pictures before. Check out:

  6. You're a good dog daddy for sure, Dizzy. My cat seems to know when it's time to eat as well, even though he has dry food on demand all the time. I crush his thyroid pills morning and night and mix them with a tablespoon or so of wet food, and you'd think that was the highlight of his day! Other than tapping on my leg to get me to pet him, of course.
    We do love our critters, don't we?

    1. Yes, we do love our critters, for sure, for sure!!

  7. Worked with an older lady in home care, and she cooked chicken for her dog too. I never had any small dogs, only large outside ones. German Shepards.

    1. My wife cooks ground turkey along with some veggies, pasta, and other stuff. The dogs simply love it. Of course I have stolen a bite once in awhile.

  8. Thanks for the link to your "babies" pictures. They sure are cute.
