Friday, October 14, 2016

Thinking About Old Posts

I got thinking about some of my old blog postings and went back and started reading a bunch of them.  This one that I found was posted six years ago.  It is fun going back to old blogs, reading them, and reading the comments, too.  Some of those who commented back then are not around anymore.

Just in case you want to read it, too, here is a link you can lick on to go to it.

Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I started reading blogs in 2011 and began my own blog in 2012, so I missed out on a lot of good reading. I did read Ben's blog and remember when he passed away. So many of the folks I read have stopped posting because their life changed direction or health reasons or whatever. It was fun to read about your years growing up in PA.... sounds like a wonderful childhood!

    1. I was blessed. I enjoyed all my relatives and we always had a great time together. Fished, swam, and canoed in rivers, lakes, and large streams. Like I said, I was truly blessed.

    2. so was I,,, family was so important with us.

    3. Lucky to have a great family, for sure.

  2. I "licked" on the link and just got slobbers on my screen.

    1. Well dang, I put strawberry flavor on it. Are you sure you licked it enough? (grin) Yep, I made a bobo typo.
