Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wanted Wild West People

Here is a fictitious list of fictional people (that I made up) and the fictional reason they are wanted: 

Tall Paul  -  Wanted, but why?  Because he was the only one that could reach the stuff on the top shelf.

Short Mort  -  Wanted for sneaking in under the circus tent.

Silly Billy  -  Wanted for telling stupid, silly jokes.

Willy-Nilly -  Wanted for going off in every direction.

Wild Child  -  The youngest outlaw in the Wild West.

Bad Man Ann  -  Wanted for being a Bad Female Hippie. . man.

Fat Pat  -  Wanted for eating all the food at the buffet.

Skinny Minnie  -  Wanted for shooting Fat Pat because she was next in line for the now empty buffet.

Zippy-a-Dee-Do-Da.  -  A happy bandit from the deep south.

Slick Vic  -  Wanted for stealing all the Brylcreem.

Stable Able  -  Worked cleaning out stables and walked with a Cain cane.

Ike Clanger  -  No not Clanton.  Clanger was the local bell ringer.

Bobber Bob  -  Was caught trying to hide in a fisherman's tackle box.

I got lots more, but my wife is ready to head for town, so will stop here.  Hope you liked my sense of humor in names and please, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Did you come up with all these names yourself? If so you are pretty clever!

  2. This was really clever. good job!! And you made me chuckle also.

  3. A lot more colorful than Jesse James or Billy the Kid! My kind of humor ;-)

    1. Thanks. I really like humor and it pleases me if I can make someone smile.

  4. Good job Dizzy! You have a good sense of humor :)

    1. Having a good sense of humor is a good way to survive this world and the people living in it.
