Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tried to Get to Sleep Last Night, but. . .

I tried to get to sleep last night but my body wouldn't let me.  Let me explain.  My ears are still plugged up somewhere from my throat to my head.  So, I can't hear very well at all.  Since I couldn't hear much of anything else, my own body sounds were exceptionally loud.  The loudest of all was my heart beat.  Yes, I really like my heart to beat and don't wish it to quit.  The trouble was that since I could hardly hear anything else, my heart beat kept me awake.  I guess if something is going to keep me awake, it may as well be my own heart beating.

It is surprising what all kinds of sounds can come from the human body.  Some we like and share (singing, talking, poetry) but others we try to hide or stare at the person next to you as if they did it.  I think you know what I mean, like loudly passing gas in a mixed crowd or loud stomach rumblings when you are sitting in a church service.  Now don't tell me you don't know what I am talking about!!  Yes, I too have been there, done that.

Well, I did finally get to sleep.  Today started bright and sunny but now in the mid afternoon, the clouds are building up.  There is only a slight chance of thunder storms or rain.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. You could always try reading my blog. That will put anybody to sleep.

    1. No, your blogs are full of too much excitement and too much fun, especially the fishing adventures.

  2. Well, you could be like Von Miller and "air your grievances".... or maybe you just did ;-) Really, though... I hope your ear problems clears up soon.

    1. What did you say? Can you write a little louder (grin). Yep, I always have tinnitus, so at no time is there silence. No complaints, just facts.

  3. "When Grandma breaks wind, we beat the dog." :)

    Hope you get some rest tonight Dizzy.

    1. Now that is funny, but not for the dog (grin).

  4. I can't sleep if I can hear or feel the heartbeat, so I move around slightly until I don't notice it anymore. As long as I'm breathing I figure I'm ok.

    1. I don't have this problem unless my ears are plugged up.

  5. I have a real sleeping problem and will lie awake for hours. Since I have sinus problems I too can hear my here beat (glad it keeps beating) but sometimes I hear the blood rushing thru my veins which kind of scares me. Weird things sure do happen when one gets "up there in years". Hope you sleep better tonight.

    1. Yes, like my Mother always said, "getting old ain't for sissies".

  6. Not a bad thing to hear, I reckon. Better than not hearing anything, right?
