Saturday, July 2, 2016

Feasting Black Holes

I have talked about black holes before but guess what?  Astronomers have viewed a star being gobbled up by a black hole.  When this happens, the black hole burbs X-rays.  So, an X-ray telescope is the best way to view what is going on when a black hole decides to feast.  I think that the experts can explain it better than I can so, if you will, please click HERE for a link to a page at

Now, that saved me pasting in the picture and typing a lot of words.  Yep, I am getting lazy in my old age and you get to read the original article.  Now, don't ever tell me I eat like a black hole. . . well, you know, I sort of eat like a black hole.  If any food of any kind gets close to me, I gobble it up just like black holes gobble up stars.  So remember not to take me to an "all you can eat" buffet.  OK, that reminded me, it is about time for my big dish of chocolate chip cookie dough Blue Bell ice cream.  Now have a good evening, you hear?


  1. Sorry to have to mention it but your blog entry is visible to the world. Have my portion of ice cream for me please.

    1. Actually, the one I asked about was not. I deleted it and tried again. Then it worked. You better hurry over here, that ice cream doesn't last long with me around.

  2. Did you have to go and mention ice cream?

    1. Oh yes. . . Now, I suppose you are looking in the freezer for some ice cream to eat, right?
