Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Should Think Before You Speak

Yesterday in my blog which I titled "Words Are Stronger Than Swords", I mentioned that sometimes I have quick "come backs" to something that someone said.  Well, I went and did it again just a little bit ago.  Dang, I should know better.  When am I ever going to learn to think before saying those quick come backs? 

So, what did I say?  Let me first tell you that there was thunder all round us with new storms coming in from the north.  Then my wife walked into the room with a tight fitting jacket on and said, "Look, I got my thunder jacket on" referring to the thunder jackets that they make for dogs who start shaking from the thunder.  Well, when she mentioned her "thunder jacket", I just said that "it goes well with your thunder thighs".  That was not a good idea.  For your information, my wife is only about 90 pounds with no signs of fat anywhere.  Now, you see, that is a good example of what I wrote about yesterday. . . take time to think before you speak.  Now, I hope you have a nice day. . .


  1. I think that was one of the wittiest things I've ever heard....but your timing was all wrong. These are one of those things better left INSIDE your head for your own enjoyment.

  2. I've never been as light as your wife, but I would just take it as a joke if someone mentioned my thunder thighs. But yes, it's probably not the best thing to blurt things out before thinking of how they may be taken.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh yes. You see, she wouldn't hit me some place that shows. . . (grin)

    2. Thanks Barney, that is what I like to do.

  4. I'll admit it... I'd probably get my feelings hurt a little.... but on the other hand, I know what dunderheads men are so maybe I'd just roll my eyes and shrug it off.

    1. Is "dunder" another name for "dandruff"? Maybe I am guilty of both. . .

  5. Pretty witty comeback, my friend!

    1. I love humor, and I try to make witty remarks in person. Thanks for seeing the humor in my remarks.

  6. OOppps, I stick my foot in mouth quite often

  7. At least you are still alive to write about it !

  8. Wow, you really "blew" that one. Is your wife still mad at you? Don't feel bad as I do the same dumb thing and open my mouth and speak and then think.

    1. Yep, I really blew it and knew it. It made me blue, too. . . Look!! I am a poet and don't know it. (grin)

  9. Oh well, if she's only 90 pounds, I'm sure she did not think you meant it. Besides, she's bound to know of your propensity for "open mouth, insert foot" after all these years. Have s good laugh together ~

    1. Actually, we did have a good laugh. She has to have some sense of humor to have lived with me for 53 years.

  10. My mom has always been petite and my dad would call her "gorda" which means "fatty" in English. She seemed more amused than anything by it, though some of her friends would give him "looks".

    1. Hay, if you can't make fun of your own wife, who can you make fun of??
