Monday, June 27, 2016

Words Are Stronger Than Swords.

They say that words are stronger than swords, right?  Well, if that is the case, why don't peace talks guarantee peace?  Why have we had so very many wars throughout the history of mankind?  And again, some people use words before thinking.  So, it seems that words, promises, or breaking of promises has caused more wars and skirmishes than anything else.  Of course sometimes words and lots of them do not work.  Let's see. . . wasn't there a delegation of Japanese in Washington, D.C. talking peace when they bombed Pearl Harbor?  In this case, it seems that swords won out over words.  It did get the U.S. involved in WW2, and with Germany, an ally of Japan.

Some people find slander and evil in words that had no desire to hurt or harm.  They read hidden meaning into them that were never intended to be there by the person who spoke them.  It is a lot easier to say the wrong thing than it is to write it.  We usually put a little thought into what we say, although I have known people who speak first and think later and these same people tend to write without thinking, also.  I am sometimes guilty of that and am sure all of you have been, also.

I have a strange sense of humor and my mind always seems to come up with quick come-backs to something said.  Most of the time, I bite my tongue, but that does not always work.  Thank goodness most of my "come backs" are humorous.  If you can get your antagonist to start laughing, you win and you may also make a new friend.  To me, humor is the best medicine for anything from sickness to wars to surviving among others.  Much better than fighting, for sure.  So, make fun of me because I am a lover instead of a fighter (grin).  Actually, I have both in me, but have to be pushed some before the fighter comes out.  Now you all have a great day and don't push me, you hear??? 


  1. I think "Actions speak louder than words" is even more accurate. What we say too often isn't what we really mean. I, too, have a weird sense of humor and have to bite my tongue as it comes across offensive. I promise I won't push (unless it comes to shove ;-) You, too, have a great day!

    1. Next time you and I get to visit, we should both quit biting our tongues and let it all out. I bet we would die laughing. . . (grin)

  2. Replies
    1. Now that is a really strong word. Makes me tremble.

  3. I read a book years ago that horrified me when i realized it could be true.. It was about a small group, 10 or so, from all over the world that decided a war was needed for some reason or other, and so they created one. Seems it was by Robert Ludlum.
    And like you, most of what i say is meant for humor.

    1. I bet that book was interesting. Always keep your sense of humor. It helps us get through life with a smile.

  4. I have a tendency to always speak my mind, which has been known to get me in trouble. I also tend to speak before thinking about what I am saying. People who know me aren't offended but it can be a problem with strangers. So maybe I'll just stick to writing where I can proof read my words. hehe

    1. I respect someone who speaks their mind no matter what.

  5. I'm sure your dear wife took your comment with a good sense of humor (as it was intended). She probably has a razor sharp sense of humor by now.

    1. Sorry Janet, I missed your comment until now. My wife is used to me by now, we have been married for 53 years.
