Friday, June 10, 2016

Seems I Got Old.

It seems that old age has snuck up behind me when I wasn't looking and tackled me.  How do I know?  Well, one way is that when I come down with a mild case of the flu, it really isn't mild and it lasts and lasts and lasts.  Yep, I still have that dang flu and I don't feel one bit better, in fact I feel worse.

Then I see that Muhammad Ali has passed away and he was only less than one year older than I am now.  Dang, and he would have been in much better physical shape than I am.  Oh, that's right, he had Parkinson's Disease.  That is a terrible thing to have.  It sure took its toll on Ali.  Well, he is at peace now, at least, I hope he is.  I have never been into boxing, but did enjoy wrestling although I knew it was mostly show.  I watched it back in the golden days when Gorgeous George lit up the wrestling ring.  Remember him?

Guess what?  When I was in college, I took wrestling in Phys-Ed and I really enjoyed it.  One evening I returned to my dorm room and the little guy down the hall stopped by to say hello.  I told him what I have been doing and he told me he liked to wrestle.  To make a long story shorter, this little guy turned me every which way but loose.  A couple of times I looked like a pretzel.  So, I learned real quick it isn't your size that matters, it is what you have trained to do.  Then he told me he was state champion in wrestling when he was in high-school.  Looks sure can be deceiving.

Now that this dang flu has got me wrapped up into a pretzel shape, it reminded me of that time way back a thousand years ago when I was in college.  Just in case you are interested, I went to Penn State, home of the Nittany Lions.  Now I hope all of you have avoided this flu and had a great day and have great evening, you hear?


  1. Sure hope you get well soon. As we progress in age things seem to take a bit longer to work their way back out. Drink lots of liquids and chicken soup

  2. Take care of yourself Dizzy. That's one nasty bug going around.

    Nobody wants to die but nobody want's to get old either.

    All the best!

    1. One thing for sure, at my age of 73, I have lived a lot longer than I am going to. Does that make sense?

  3. Couldn't help but grin at the mental picture I had when you spoke of your wrestling days.

    Yep, getting old sure ain't for sissies! Get better soon, buddy!

    1. Glad you got a grin of thinking of me looking like a pretzel. It is a lot funnier looking back at it than it was then (grin). But yes, I knew it was a done in good nature.

  4. Yep this old age does sneak up on you, soon you be brand new, right?

  5. Just had to look up "Nittany" as I never heard of it before. Part of the Appalachians -- very interesting.

    I hope you are back to "roaring" good shape soon.

    1. Yep, Penn State had mountains all around. There were ski resorts and vacation cabins all around and some great looking lakes. Went ice skating on some of those lakes.

    2. I looked at the photos. It is a very beautiful place. I lived in SC and then in MD for a while and really liked the east coast way back when. It seems we all ended up in Texas!

    3. I worked three and a half years near the east coast of N.C. There are a lot of beautiful places in these states, all 50 of them.

  6. Put the pile driver on that old flu bug, then the old airplane spin as you fling it out the ring. Then let out a Rick Flair wooooh!

  7. You got me to wondering.... flu in June? I was really sick last weekend... all the flu symptoms. Decided it was allergies... high pollen count here of everything!.... but now, a week later, I've decided I'm going to live. I don't know if it's getting old or just life as it is today, but, darn! each episode of anything seems harder to throw off. Get well soon!

    1. Maybe all all the flu bugs are just getting stronger. But of course, I am getting weaker.

  8. I know just what you mean - I came back from NY feeling pretty bad, and then got worse. I figured it was something like the flu, but it sure took me longer to get over it than I expected.

    I never watched Gorgeous George, but used to watch Andre the Giant, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and the guy who has been in the news lately whose name completely escapes me. It's like a morality play: there are the "good" guys and the "bad" guys, the ones who cheat and don't follow any rules. Sometimes they get ahead (the refs are always looking someplace else when they do their dirty deeds), and bad can prevail for quite some time. But you just know that good will finally win out. It's really interesting when you study the whole WWF and watch the way good and evil interact, with one winning for a while, then losing, and back to winning.

    1. I still believe it is all just for show. But they do put on a good show.

  9. In my younger years, I had some of the most ghastly surgeries known to man, but I healed. Now? I cringe if I hear someone coughing or snuffing their nose and wish they had stayed home. Just having one tooth pulled got a bundle of nerves involved (one rightfully named the "suicide nerve") and I need to have the one next to it pulled Thursday. Think I'm brave about it? Hell no! Just a splinter now will cause a red streak!!

    1. Keep your chin up and march on. . . No, it is open your mouth so the dentist can create his havoc in your mouth.

  10. Yes, I've found that things take longer to heal and illness take longer to get over now that I'm ancient. I try really hard to stay away from other people's germs, but once in a while one will get through. Just take it easy, drink lots of fluids, sleep as much as you can, all those things they say to do. They really do help. Did you say you visited your doctor? He might have something to help kill the thing off a little sooner. Or at least reduce the symptoms. Feel better soon. Sending you healing thoughts. :)

    1. Sure does take longer, for sure. Got plumbing problems, too. So have been trying to work on that. My nose leaks and the pipes leak, great combination.

  11. Replies
    1. Working on it. This has been a hard one to beat. Still has me down but I hope not for the full count.

  12. Sure hope you can get over this flu real soon. My hubby is still dealing with the cough and chest congestion and it's been over a month. Seems the older we get the harder it is to shake illnesses. So just take care of yourself.

    1. It is now the 21st and I still am under the weather.

  13. Awww DD,,, no man ever does what he needs to, to get well. Saw where you were working on plumbing, soooo,, see what i mean?
    Hate hate hate being old. Then you add health problems, sickness, or anything! and wham....not good.
