Thursday, June 9, 2016

Just an Update.

I am still alive and kicking but am still under the weather.  I feel a lot better but still am hacking up lung junk.  Don't have anything special to say.  Except that I found this picture on the internet that tells what this dang flu has done to me. 

Now, after you have read my posting, go wash your hands and gargle so you don't catch what me and that fellow above has.  Why, because I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can't imagine where you found that picture! All I can say is I hope you get over it soon.

    1. You would be surprised at just what all you can find on the internet. I don't remember for sure but I think I typed "funny pictures of people who are sick" into the search, and found it that way.

  2. Nothing worse than man flu. The hell we guys go through. Hope you recover real soon.


    1. That's for sure and women just don't understand (grin).

  3. Sounds like you got the same bug my hubby had. Takes forever to get over it. He is still coughing up gunk from his lungs and it has been over a month. It is one seriously nasty flu. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Linda, I hope so, too. Hope all are well in your world. Glad your hubby is finally over it.

  4. Hope you get over it soon and get to feeling better! Hope I don't get it !

  5. dont know why i seem to never get sick like that,,, KNOCK ON WOOD! Right after i moved to this house, 14 years ago, or so, i did get something. I was so sick i couldnt even get to the doc... laid in bed for about 4 days, barely able to drink or eat a bite. WAS REALLY SICK. By the time i could get to the doc, he told me i had toughed my way thru it mostly, but gave me something to take. That pic looks like me at that time too,, lol. You tc, and get well!

    1. Glad I don't have it as bad as you did. One time when I was alone traveling on business, I got sick and completely lost three days. Never did remember them.

  6. I'm so sorry you are still feeling so bad. Hope you're soon back to your old self!

    1. Thanks Gypsy, but I would rather get back to my younger self, but I don't think that will work.

  7. I just hate those things that hang on and on. I hope you're feeling well soon. :)

    1. Illness is Natures way of humbling men. Being sick has a way of showing the strongest person that they don't control everything and can brought down by something so small that they can't see it.

  8. Replies
    1. They sure are. Don't know what I would do without my wife and my dogs.
