Monday, June 6, 2016

Having a couple of bad days.

I have come down with some kind of flue and it, among other things like coughing, etc., has made me dizzy.  Yes, I know I should be used to it since my nickname is Dizzy.  Anyway, I got up out of my rocker and took two steps and fell flat on my face.  Had to lay there on the floor for awhile.  The whole room was revolving and I was really starting to get sick.  I didn't know our house was built on an not too merry of a merry-go-round!!

I feel somewhat better today but have to go before a judge today for the appraisal district to challenge my new appraisal.  They doubled the value of my home.  How could that be??  I live in a double-wide and let me tell you, there would be no way that I could get double for it if I wanted to sell it.  In fact, probably couldn't get a fraction of the original purchase price.  OK, now I hope your day is going much better than mine, so make sure you have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm so sorry you got on the merry-go-round. It's hard to jump off. Take care of yourself and get up slow.

    I just read that the taxes were raised over 60% in Wise County Texas and people are angry. How could your home value double in one year?

    We just moved from Texas and I wonder what the taxes are on the place we left behind. Ours was a triple wide and we practically gave it away with the land when we wold it. We did have an Ag exemption which helped.

    Our taxes are negligible so far on the Oklahoma side of the Red River. My biggest shock when I got here was they tax food!!! Everyone around here shops in Gainesville because even the 40 mile trip is worth it. They buy a bunch of stuff at Sam's when they make the trip. Can you believe they don't tax cigarettes? Go figure.

    I hope the people in your county win the battle!

  2. There is some crazy/bad flu going around here also, people swooning out,hitting the floor. Take care, get better and go fight city hall. Like Jerry Reed song, "they got the gold mine, I got the shaft".

  3. Take care of yourself. Dizzy isn't supposed to really be dizzy.

    Good luck with the house thing.

    1. Not a whole lot better yet, but haven't hit the floor again. That is a plus.

  4. I am saddened to hear you are feeling poorly. Not good, particularly in light of underlying issues. You need to hang in there until we can get there this winter.

    Things are tough all over with the economy. I am not surprised they changed the appraised value of your home if it has been any length of time since the last county-wide valuation. Blame your neighbors who have left you to fund more of the cost of local government by selling off and clearing out. I hope you prevailed today.

    1. The suburbs of Houston seem to be sneaking up this way. Glad you can't see my house from the road. The tax people had arial pictures.

  5. In case it matters, allergies can really throw your equilibrium off. I am becoming an expert now days on allergy troubles that I did not have in the past.

    1. Yes they can and so can allergy medication. I just cough, blow my nose, and eat vitamins.

  6. Be watchful that it isn't vertigo. I've never had it but my Mom did. It was pretty bad for a while, with falls and such, but she eventually got over it. I'm not sure but I think it might be an inner ear problem.

    1. Thanks for the warning, but I seem to be over the dizzy part. Knock on wood.

  7. If you do get vertigo do a YouTube search for Epley Maneuver. It is simple, and it re-aligns the crystals in your inner ear. It looks like something silly, but it works.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I don't get it very often. That is why it caught me by surprise.

  8. There is a very bad flu going around here in WI - makes a person cough so hard they pass out. Sure hope you are feeling better real soon. Just be careful and try not to fall again. Good luck with your fight with the appraisal judge.

    1. I do have flue symptoms. My stomach muscles are sore from the coughing.

  9. Hope get feeling better soon. no fun to be sick.

  10. Yep, Dizzy, I hear ya coughin'. We had it at my house, going on 4 weeks now - I missed parts of 2 different weeks from work. Still coughing, but nothing like I was. And weak - Lordy, Lordy. Gotta start learning how to walk again before I can begin to keep up with the grandson! Take care and sleep a lot!

    1. You better learn to walk. Your grandson is waiting for you.

  11. Geez, not good! I hope you're feeling better soon - falling like that is scary. Thank goodness you didn't break any bones.

    Good luck with the taxes dispute - they just make it harder and harder for us, don't they? :(

    1. Here in Texas, they give a homestead exemption and now that I am old, they are not suppose to raise the taxes. Of course they said that they didn't raise the taxes, but did raise the evaluation, since property values have been going up.

  12. ive had vertigo just a few times, and it comes out of the blue, for no reason. How I had the med for it, I don't know, (motion sickness). Went to the ER not too many years ago, (3 or4), and was told it was a sign of stroke, too. So, be careful.
    Went to the appraisal board once, and got mine lowered back, so good luck.

    1. Yep, I figure getting dizzy can come from either a stroke or your heart. I will just keep on going until pass away.

  13. Take care of yourself, buddy ! I hope you don't have any more falling episodes...good way to really hurt yourself.
    Sorry about you having the bug.

    What about the little wife ? She having any spells as well ?

    1. The little wife had it first, about a week or so before I did. So, I guess I should blame mine on her. She was also dizzy, but didn't fall down like I did.

      I don't know why I didn't get badly hurt as hard as I fell, but am soar in places.

  14. Sorry to hear you are/were feeling lousy Dizzy.
    I have been to a couple of those tax appraisal review boards.
    not easy, but I won. Moved out of FTW now.
    Take it easy for awhile.
