Saturday, June 4, 2016

For The Birds

I went to Tractor Supply the other day to get another 35 pound bag of bird feed and some more squares of suet.  Yep, don't ever let me hear anybody say that I eat like a bird.  Those little freeloaders must eat multiple times their weight in bird feed every day.  Remember the blog I posted back on January 7th of this year?

While I was there at Tractor Supply, I saw this large bird feeder that would hold many, many times what my two little ones did, so of course I came home with it and the bag of bird seed.  Got it filled up (that will keep them going for quite awhile) and hung out were the old bird feeders were.  And dang, it even brightens up the yard on a gloomy day like today.  Might not be able to look at it when the sun is shining (grin).

I took another picture from a different angle.  In the picture below, you can see where I but a big scoop of bird feed on the ground.

I hope the squirrels don't ruin this one like they did the other two.  BTW, the reason I put bird feed on the ground is for the squirrels and the doves.  Also, it seems the blue jays prefer to eat their share from the ground.  Now, I hope you all are having a great day, you hear?


  1. I quit feeding for the summer as the rock sqirrels come and then the snakes come after them. Besides they empty the feeders faster than I can fill them.

    1. Yes, but like today, when the Painted Buntings stopped by again at the feeder, it makes it all worthwhile.

  2. Nice feeder! I love Tractor Supply... my kind of store! I was filling feeders a couple times a day, but now that the Pine Siskin have moved on and the resident birds are nesting, I don't get as many at the feeders. We do have a few squirrels, but it's the chipmunk population that we see more often. Do you have a problem with the suet melting in that Texas heat?

    1. No, but I do see the cardinals wiping it off their beaks after eating it.

  3. That looks like a pretty decent size feeder, good luck with it.

  4. I remember the doves that fed on the ground (North Carolina). There is some kind of seed they like that other birds and squirrels don't touch. I sure wish I could remember the name of it. If I was a gun enthusiast I can't say what I do to those squirrels! They were always messing everything up and invading the bird feeder. You just can't stop them.

    1. I greased the metal pole and when they jump on it they just slide down, but now they are jumping from trees.

  5. Love Tractor Supply. That is a nice looking feeder. I had to put "baffles" on the poles that hold my feeders to keep the squirrels away. Then the big black birds decided to eat all my seed so I put up smaller feeders that only had a "pole" for a perch. Also had to take down the suet feeders as the bully birds eat all the suet in less than 2 hours. Suet is back out after a 2 week break. Hey, I can't afford to feed all these bigger birds; besides there is plenty of stuff around here for them to eat. Have a great day and sty dry.

    1. Yep, like I say, don't ever take it as a complement if someone tells you that you eat like a bird.
