Monday, June 13, 2016

Screaming Dog, etc.

Have you ever heard a dog scream?  I don't mean a bark or a howl or a growl, but a real honest to goodness scream like a child or a woman would sound, and I suppose some men, too.  My oldest and most loved pup did it twice the other day.  The first time, she had her head under a folding table that had sloped metal legs.  So, naturally, I thought that she had got her head stuck in the leg.  I picked her up and petted her and she seemed just fine.

Then she did it again.  That ear piercing scream and I looked down and she was laying on her side stiff as a board with her legs sticking straight out.  This time I again picked her up but she just sort of collapsed in my arms.  I held her for a short time and she then came back to her old self.  I am pleased to say that she has been her normal self ever since.  Yes, she is getting up in years, but I am sure she has a lot more left in her, at least I hope she does.

I am still under the weather.  But had a plumbing problem and had to try and fix it.  Gave up, turned all the water off, and plan to work on that problem in the morning.  I am tired and want to go to bed.  Maybe tomorrow will be a little better, or not.  But, I want all of you to have a good evening and a great day tomorrow, you hear?


  1. You get feeling better soon. and all will be good.

    1. Things always look better when you are feeling well.

  2. Sure hope you get to feeling better soon. No, I have never heard a dog scream before.

  3. I don't know what I'd do if I heard a dog scream.... I wonder if yours had a stroke or something? Hope you feel better soon... it's too hot and humid to have health problems as well!

    1. Yes, I would guess a stroke, too. She has been just fine ever since and I hope and pray that she stays that way. I love that pup.

  4. I have never heard a dog scream, perhaps her vet can give you better insight.

    Hope you get to feeling better and you can tackle that plumbing problem.

    1. I am turning the water off when not needed. Only turning it on at meal times and just before bed. The rest of the time I go out to the well and turn it all off.

  5. Can't say I have. Hope both your dog and you are doing well.

    1. I had never heard one scream before and sure don't want to hear it again.

  6. You've been feeling bad for quite a while now. I hope you are on the mend soon, but it will probably take a little while to get your energy and strength back.

    1. I have been coughing enough to make me dizzy. Yes, this bug has been clinging to me for way too long.

  7. Do you think maybe your pup had a seizure? Poor thing. wishing both of you well

  8. Sorry to hear about the bug hanging around. Glad the pup is doing OK now, and we should hope you kick the flu very soon!

    1. This flu bug seems to be tougher than I am. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  9. This is going to sound too obvious, but hang in with me. When a dog screams, the pain it is in is excruciating, because it is in their DNA to hide their pain. Their ancestors would have attacked and killed a pack member in pain. So for your pup to scream, it had to be in agony. I don't see why a seizure would cause this. They DO have heart attacks. Beau suffers a Parkinson-like seizure many times a day, but if I ever hear him scream, after Joe picks ME up off the floor, we're heading for the vet's. Is he getting enough to drink?

  10. We had that same seizure thing happen to our old Lhaso Apso a few years ago. In fact he would yelp real loud then go unconscious for a few seconds. It seemed like it would be ever few days he would have another. So it is definitely probably the same kind of seizure, which in itself is not especially harmful but could be indicative that she is having problems if she has multiple ones.

  11. It has been a few days since and she has been her old self. What ever it was, it sure didn't spoil her appetite. . . (grin)
