Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day to All You Dads.

I sincerely want to wish all you dads out there a very happy Father's Day.  On this day, I have to remember my Dad and what great guy he was.  As far as I am concerned, there was never nor will there be a dad as great as he was.  I could never be the man he was.  He taught me everything a young fellow needs to know and especially to be honest and God fearing, respectful to my elders, and always be helpful.  When things were not going well for me, he always had this to say, "Son, nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse".  Well, when you stop to think about that, he was definitely right.  In other words, there is always something to be thankful for.

He was quite the out-doors man.  He loved to hunt and fish.  I think his favorite was night time fishing out of a canoe on the upper Allegheny River.  When I got old enough, I went with him.  Although it worried my Mom, she knew that boys needed to do things like that with their dads.  He taught me to love nature and respect it and when hunting or fishing, never take more than you can eat.  Never, ever waste anything.

My Mom was an outdoors person, also.  Both my Dad and my Mom lived along the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania; Dad up river at Foxburg and Mon down river from there in a little town named Phillipston.  Oh to return to those good old days. . . but time moves on and we have to move with it.  But it sure is nice to reminisce and I hope you all had good times that you can now look back on with smile.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Your family life back in PA sounds wonderful. What a great way to grow up.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful Dad and a very good upbringing. Happy Father's Day to you.

  3. Memories of our fathers are wonderful, so many great things we did together.

    1. Yes, they sure are wonderful. I pity those who grew up without a dad or wit a lousy dad.

  4. I hope you had a wonderful Fathers Day. I also have such fond memories of my dad. He taught me how to fish and make our own lures. I was such a tom boy haha we had great times together even in the later years.

    1. Fishing, hunting, canoeing, those are the things that fathers are for and keeping us on the right track.

  5. My Dad was the greatest too. We were taught honesty, respect, love your fellow man, work hard, but,,, take time to play. We had fun with each other, and always had the neighbors at OUR house. The more the merrier with Dad. Still miss him too.

    1. A wonderful dad gives us the right direction to take in life.
