Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Impossible?

I found some humor on the internet about the impossible.  Yep, some things are possible and some things are not.  The trick in life is to know the difference.  So, here are some examples of impossible humor:

Yes, that one is really true.  I could be a poster child for that one.

This next one does make sense to me:

Today's headlines about loosing control of our borders can be taken a couple of ways:

Yep, laughter is the best medicine:

If you think laughter is always great, try standing still, looking very somber in a crowded elevator, and all of a sudden start loud, uncontrollable laughing.  Works for me (grin).

This next one is for any of you on a diet:

This last one, I believe, is the best.  Love it:

Just in case you didn't get it, H2O is water, but H2O 2 is hydrogen peroxide.  Of course, I don't think the weak hydrogen peroxide that we find in our medicine cabinets would kill you unless you swallowed a lot, but it is not for internal use.  It can kill you if you drink industrial grade hydrogen peroxide, but the low strength household type should not unless you drink way too much of it, but I bet it would give you a lot of gas (grin).  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's good to have a chuckle at the end of the day... although the border cartoon is more truth than not.

    1. Yes, I thought the same thing about the border cartoon. Glad you got a chuckle out of them.

  2. Pretty good, buddy! Pretty good!

  3. Those were great. Thanks for the laughs.

  4. The border cartoon is my favorite. There's lots that can be said on that issue, including comparing it to today's problems. I also like the Audrey Hepburn comment.

    1. Yep, they are two of the better ones. A lot can be said through humor.

  5. Replies
    1. I love to laugh, so I love humor and am glad you do, too.
