Monday, May 9, 2016

Chicken Eggs.

My son and his wife have a lot of chickens. . .
Therefore, they have a lot of eggs, which they sell to neighbors, friends, and relatives.  So, we said that we sure could use a dozen of fresh eggs and sure enough, our daughter-in-law gave my wife a dozen.  When she got it home and opened it up, she saw one huge egg that stood out from the rest, and the other eleven were large eggs.  Can you see the egg that I am talking about in the picture below:

Maybe you can see it better from this angle:

I sure do love eggs.  They are so versatile.  There are so many ways that they can be prepared and they are fit for any meal at any time.  Oh, did I say I love eggs???  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Is that a "double yolker"? I know that's not really a word but that's what we used to call eggs with 2 yolks. Seems if a chicken starts laying those they continue... at least for a while. And there is nothing as good as a fresh egg with a deep yellow yolk that stands right up in the frying pan. Oh you make me jealous! Enjoy!

    1. Don't know yet. I will tell you when I break it open to eat it.

  2. Nothing like real "fresh" eggs. Looks like a double yolker to me as well.

    1. That is for sure. I love eggs anyway and these are the pinnacle of perfection.

  3. You are so lucky to get "fresh" eggs. Nothing better in the whole world. My daughter-in-law (who lives in GA) has chickens and when we visit them I get to bring home some "range-free" chicken eggs. Yum!!!!

    1. Yes, I do feel lucky. BTW, they also raise huge show rabbits and have won a lot of blue ribbons. They have about 75 of them. They call their home the Wabbit Ranch.

  4. I got one one time and saved it for my g/dotter. First thing she asked, was,, would it be twins? lol. Never thot of that in my whole life.

    1. That is a good question. I never thought about that. I suppose they would if both survived, which they usually do not.
