Friday, May 13, 2016

Premature Baby Tomato

Remember my blog back a few days ago about our first full size ripe tomato off our "patio" tomato plants?  In case you missed it, here is link to that posting:

Well, we just found a premature baby tomato that the mother plant aborted way too soon.  Yep, it was just laying there under the plant where my wife found it.  It is just too young to ripen on its own.  Oh, such a sad event.

Here is a picture of the little fellow in the palm of my hand:

Oh the inhumanity of it.  This little guy never got a chance to grow up.  Now, I hope you all have a better day than this tomato had, you hear?


  1. Fried green tomato finger sandwich?

    1. If you got tiny fingers and you are not very hungry. . . Like your comment, Jim.

  2. I immediately thought of fried green tomatos, but you'd need a couple more!

    1. More than a couple. I think I will just pick the big red ones.

  3. Maybe the wind? All horror shows blame it on the wind. But my patio plants are doing the same thing! I had 15 on one tomato plant! Then, they started dropping. Now, they get the size of a marble, and the bottom half is hard and black, and drops. They hit the garbage Monday.

    1. Did get a lot of cherry tomatoes and a couple of regular size ones, but they are a long way from paying for themselves.

  4. Fried green tomato for a mouse.

  5. My tomatoes were getting nowhere. I had four little ones the size of a small plum hanging on my small plant. I cut them off and put them in my southwest chicken soup today.
