Friday, May 27, 2016

Got a Few Sprinkles.

Yesterday the traveling vets were set up in a vacant lot next to a store/gas station just a few miles up the road from our place.  They were to be open and ready by four o'clock in the afternoon.

The weather didn't look too promising, so we made sure that we were up there early and got right up front as the line started to form.  We got the paperwork all done for what we wanted and the dogs needed, paid for it, and moved on to the next available doctor.  They got all their shots and the stuff up their noses (which wasn't fun), got our tags for proof of rabies shots, etc. and headed back home as the clouds were getting darker and there was some distant rumbling in those dark clouds.

We got home just before the sprinkles started.  Everything went well and got something to eat and settled down to a relaxing evening of rocking in my rocker/recliner and watching TV.  Then the storm hit, and it hit hard.  Some areas had hail and some even reported a tornado touchdown.  Then the lights went out.  That meant no TV and no Wi-Fi, so no internet or TV news to let us know what was going on.

It actually was a relaxing evening with soft lighting (battery powered) and great company (my wife and the dogs).  It got to be bedtime, but I decided to just lay down on the couch until the lights came back on.  Since I am on oxygen at night, and my oxygen machines run off of AC power, I didn't want to go to bed and drop into a deep sleep.

I didn't pay too much attention to the time, but a was rudely awakened by a bright light. . . yep, the electric came back on, then it went out again, then it came back on, then it went out again.  After a few minutes, it came back on and this time it stayed on, so I got off the couch and went to bed.  So, yep, we got a few sprinkles for sure.

 The news this morning tells us that we got over a foot of rain and in some places a lot more than that.  There has been flooding, schools closed, roads closed, and a missing person or so.  We got the worst of that storm in and near the Conroe, TX area.  Dang, it is now starting to rain hard again.  You all have a great day, you hears?


  1. Wear your life jacket if you go outside.

    1. How about a pair of water wings? Yes, it is wet and no end in sight.

  2. I used to take Lady to a nearby pet store for her rabies shot when the vet came once in a while. I had never heard them called "traveling vets", and in my mind I pictured veterans of the Armed Forces traveling around (homeless?).

    Do you have an emergency source of power for your oxygen?

    1. No, I don't. My son, who lives down on the back of my property, has his house wired to an emergency generator. If the outage lasted too long, I suppose I could go down there, but I hate to go out in the rain and get all wet (grin).

  3. I'm glad your little critters are taken care of... we see those traveling vets at various places... including Tractor Supply, but since we don't have pets and neither Bill nor I need those services right now we're okay.... but I did hear on PBS that your area got some serious rains and storms.... mostly just glad to hear that all is well in your neck of the woods. Take Care, my friend.

    1. Yes, we got hit with some pretty heavy storms and it has rained on and off all day today. I still here thunder as I write this, so I guess we will be getting some more tonight.

  4. I remember last year you also took them. You are lucky to have services like that in your area.

    I heard on the news all the water you guys received. Stay home and be safe.

    1. Yep, glad those vets come around. And I stayed home today. It sure is soggy out there.

  5. you answered my ?s,,,i think i could say we got a trace,,, and that is stretching it. Sometime,,if possible, take some pics of the pond for me..

    1. I see my daughter-in-law posted some pics of it on Facebook. I will post some tomorrow, if I remember.

  6. It did get wet around here, didn't it? Glad you got the pups done before the rain!

    1. It always seems to rain on grooming day or the day after. Bad hair day, even for the pups.

  7. I heard you had some major rain, get the lifeboats out!

  8. Texas has gotten hit hard again this year. We have had some flooding up here at the Red River, but nothing like Conroe.

    I'm glad to hear your electricity came back on.

    1. I head that you all up that way had some tornadoes. I sure don't like them.

  9. Wow, glad you got your electricity back.
