Monday, May 30, 2016

Miss Minnie Osa.

I know some gals that have a first name of Minnie, and I bet you do, too.  Of course we all have heard of that famous Wald Disney mouse named Minnie.  Yep, she and Mickey were the stars of quite a few cartoons.  Here is a picture of Minnie:

The gal I am thinking of is Miss Minnie Osa.  She is quite the wild, party girl with a white and pink hair-do.  Well, these pictures are not of any wild girl named Minnie, but a flowering tree named mimosa.  Yep, they are blooming now and they are so beautiful.  Here, see for yourselves:

They are not the only thing blooming now.  Next is a picture of some pretty daisies:

And some cute little red mushrooms:

Remember that bad storm we had the end of last week?  Well, it did some pruning around my place and it also brought down my electric pole that runs power to the pump on the well, the storage shed, and the old house.  It is broke off at ground level.

This last weekend, my son took an elephant to a wedding.  I would think it would take some of the attention away from the bride and groom.  Of course, they would have gotten to ride on it.  Dang, my son got dressed up for the occasion.  Don't often get to see him dressed like that.

Now, I want you all to have a great day full of jumbo pleasures, you hear?


  1. I'm sure there must be mimosa trees around here but I don't recall seeing any. What a beautiful blanket on the elephant. I'm in line to take a ride on it.

    1. When not blooming, they just seem to shrink into the flora.

  2. I don't know that I have ever seen a pink mimosa before, red seems to be the most popular or the orange, or am I thinking on a different plant. :(

    1. They come in other colors and yellow is the most common, I believe.

  3. I love your pink mimosa tree. Wish I had one in my yard. That is a gorgeous blanket on the elephant and the handsome fellow standing next to it sure looks good. :)

    1. They don't seem to live very long, but when they bloom, they are beautiful. Yes, that is a gorgeous blanket. I will have to ask my son where that came from. Maybe it was purchased just for the wedding.

  4. i have the pink trees too. they are short lived, like fruit trees, and weak. But they come up everywhere so theres always more.
    That elephant should have had a PINK blanket,,, lol

    1. I think pink is the most common, at least around here.

  5. Why did the elephant get to go to the wedding?

    Pretty mimosa blooms! That's the color I'm most familiar with.

    1. The couple getting married requested it. For more information, you will have to wait until I talk to my son to learn more.

    2. My wife just told me that the reason the elephant was requested was because it was a Hindu wedding.

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