Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Hit and Run

Yesterday I walked out to the dumpster in the front lot and saw a horrible sight.  A hit and run had occurred in my driveway.  My son and his wife use that part of the driveway as do I.  So, I hate to say it, but I could have been the culprit. . . or my son's family, or any person who came to visit or deliver something or. . . Or even me!!

I would have taken a picture to post here on my blog, but it was just too gruesome to post.  I wouldn't want to ruin your day.  That poor little frog (or toad, too smashed to tell) never made it across the driveway.  I am sorry if I depressed any of you but I sure do want you to try hard to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Ribbit, ribbit.... don't feel too bad, Dizzy... those things happen. Truth is, I don't get too upset over these things anymore... saw a 4-5' long black snake when I was out walking today... just hoped that anyone else who saw him saw him as a "good guy". Hey... we do what we can do, and just don't worry about the rest. Life's just too darned short....

    1. I don't feel too bad. I just prefer to live and let live. I am not a vegetarian, so I know something has to die to get the food I like. I use to be a hunter and fisherman, and enjoyed eating what I brought home. Getting too old, no, too lazy to do that now.

  2. You have a Flat Stanley driveway. I found a squashed frog on the road here in the park. I thought, this will be Flat Stanley Road II. I took photos, but decided it WAS a little too gruesome to post. I was surprised to see a frog here, since the water is pretty far away for a frog to travel all the way up to the campground. It was a little one. :(

    1. I guess you are right, a Flat Stanley driveway. You put a big grin on my face, thanks.

  3. They just don't move fast enough. when mowing the lawn here the other day I must have minced up at least a 1/2 dozen. The mower blades have no mercy.

    1. I guess you could say that you used organic fertilizer on the lawn as you mowed it (grin).

  4. That poor critter. Although I have been know to run over one of God's creatures while mowing my lawn. It is totally unintentional as I always try to save a life if possible (except for mice). Hope you gave him a proper burial. :)

    1. The funeral home was tied up for a couple of days. . .

  5. Lol, you had me going there for a second!

    1. That is what I was trying to do, MsB. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. the driver of my senior bus ran over a small turtle going across the highway yesterday.

    1. Man and his vehicles are the biggest danger to wild life. Kind of reminds me of the song "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road".

  7. lololol see a lot of those, and yep, in the middle of the road
