Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Blue Season.

OK, in the past I have posted a few blogs about the yellow season that we have here in East Texas.  In case you forgot, here are the links to a couple of them:

Yep, every March we get that yellow season, but today we are into the blue season.  Yep, the Texas bluebonnets are in full bloom along with the Indian paintbrush.  The bluebonnets seem to be everywhere.  Thanks to Ladybird Johnson and the highway department, our highways and byways are lined with blue.  Oh so lovely this time of year.

I was going to stop yesterday and take some pictures of a field that looked like these, but then I remembered that I didn't have my camera with me.  So, I got the above pictures off the interenet.  Now, you all have a great day and if you live in Texas, get out, take a road trip, and see the Spring beauty, you hear?


  1. Cheers my heart on a cold and wet NH day.

    1. I can understand why it would, since Spring doesn't come this early up your way. I lived the first half of my life in Pennsylvania and I remember snows in March and April.

  2. Those flowers are really beautiful, and would brighten anyone's day.

    1. This is a beautiful time of year here in this part of Texas.

  3. Love this time of year in Texas it is truly amazing !

    1. Sure is. Of course, if you look for it, you can find some beauty any time of the year.

  4. The bluebonnets were just starting to look lovely when we left Texas nearly 3 weeks ago... so I really liked seeing your photos. The closest I can come here are violets... if this darned winter-like weather would quit I'll be able to show you the spring wildflowers here soon. But... don't stop showing your pretties.... they are so beautiful!

    1. Winter just hates to let go, especially up your way. It was warm today, but there was a cool breeze, so had the windows open. Will not get too many more cool days. It only got up to around 70 today.

  5. Boy, did those pictures warm my heart. We had snow flurries early this morning. Thank you for sharing those picture of the Bluebonnets; they are so pretty.

    1. I used to live in Pennsylvania. One year, at Thanksgiving we had a 45 inch snow. Everything was shut down for a long time. Hope you don't get anything like that. Glad I could send some Texas sun and flowers to you.

  6. Ain't Texas grand, and ain't we the lucky ones to be livin' here??
