Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Have You Ever Seen an UFO?

Have you ever seen an UFO?  I bet you have. Yes, I have.  In fact just yesterday I saw bird I couldn't identify and it flew away, so if UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, then that bird fits the description, right.  So, anything you spot in the air that you don't know what it is, will fall into that classification.  So, I would say that 99 percent of all sightings could have a rational, down to earth explanation but that one percent could really be an Unidentified Flying Object.  And that one percent could also be something from earth.  Below, is a chart of all the different types of UFOs that have been reported at one time or another:
Don't forget, you can click on pictures to enlarge them.
I had an uncle who lived next to the Allegheny River across and down river a bit from the little town of Foxburg, PA.  He had a deck that over looked the river which he sat on a lot at night.  He claims that he saw an UFO flying down the river, not more than a hundred feet above the river.  And yes, he was a sane, logical, normal person.

I also found a lot more information on this internet site:

I found, on that site, where the origin of the title "flying saucers" came from:
"The modern UFO era began in 1947 when pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine disc-shaped objects flying over Mt. Rainer, Washington. A reporter labeled them “flying saucers,” and the term entered mainstream consciousness."

Now keep watching the sky, you never know what you may see, you hear?


  1. There ya go if you put it that way I see many UFO's everyday.

    1. That is right, but you better keep it between you and me (grin).

  2. Well yes & no & like you similar. I have seen in the night sky what at first were definitely UFO's until I was able to logically identify just what I was looking at. However I am a believer that there is 'something out there & I base that on something my Mother saw many years ago when we lived in the small southwestern village of Tavistock Ontario Canada. She saw it from our back yard one night & what she described to me could not be explained away with any logic. Yep, there out there alright:))

    1. One night, back in the '60s I saw a bright red ball come over the horizon and dissapeared in the light of the moon. That was my only ufo encounter and I am sure that tere was other things t could be. . . or not.

  3. I wish I could see a true UFO, but I worry that with my r educed vision I miss half of what is in the night sky. It will have to fly up close to me so I can see it. I wish I lived in an area that was better for skywatching, because I just know they are out there.

    1. Like I said in the comment above, I have only seen one and maybe it could be explained, don't know. I feel anything is possible but some are not probable.

  4. The way you explain UFO's I guess then I have seen many. Now if you are referring to an extraterrestrial UFO then no I haven't seen one. However, I do believe there is intelligent life out there somewhere and who is to say it isn't visiting us.

    1. It is the enormous distances that make human trips to other star systems almost impossible if not impossible.

    2. There is no way to cross the galaxies except to exceed the speed of light. I don't know why we are so hung up on that limitation, but I guess we will be until someone discovers how to bend space and time.

    3. Or find the end of a worm hole.

  5. The thing is, a person has to be out after dark (isn't that when UFOs are seen?),... And I'm so seldom even awake by dark that I don't stand much of a chance. I do have a friend in New Mexico who wears a tinfoil hat ..... His favorite place is Roswell....

    1. I prefer a stainless steel colander for head gear (grin). Kidding aside, there just has to be some kind of life somewhere else in this huge universe.

  6. Hasn't that whole Roswell thing been explained as being a top-secret spy balloon that crashed near Roswell, and the Air Force trying to cover up that such a Project existed, and was perfectly happy with people believing it was a flying saucer. And in fact may have encouraged the whole flying saucer scenario as an excellent cover for the whole top-secret spy project.


    1. That just may be the case. I believe that they did find evidence of a balloon.
