Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Try To Make a Personal Rhyme.

I was laying in bed last night and started wondering if I could make a one sentence poem that started with my name.  My name (the first word) had to rhyme with the middle word and the last word.  Now, that sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?  Well let's see. . . I will try a couple right now.

I will start with my nickname, Dizzy.

"Dizzy is so Busy he's in a Tizzy"

Yes, I know "Busy" has an "U" instead of an "I", but it is pronounced the same.

OK, now let's try Dick.

"Dick sure can be "Quick" when doing a "Trick".

Now, using my real first name, Richard.

Richard is a wizard in a blizzard.

Now, it is your turn.  I want you to try it using your own names and post your short rhymes along with your comments.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Its been bad weather all around, just not here. Kinda glad after that last nite that went around us. Yeah, more coming.

    1. Lots of lightning through the night and it is going to get rough again here in a few minutes.

  2. Sharon is very carin(g) about the heron(s). Sorry... it's the best I can do ;-)

    1. Very good!! And you were the first one to do the poem thing.

  3. Janet lives on a planet where there is a lot of granite.

    1. Very good Janet. What a talented group of blog readers I have.

  4. Ann sometimes uses a fan to flirt with a man.

    1. Anon, I like it. I can just picture her looking out behind that fan with big beautiful eye.

  5. Replies
    1. OH My, then you will have to go hungry. Good one.

    2. Oh, I thought you meant porridge. I had to look up the word "porge". I don't believe that I have ever heard that word before.
