Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just Browsing.

I was browsing around the internet this morning and stumbled across some pictures that tickled my funny bone.  I am not sure if any of you have the same sense of humor as I do but just maybe you will get a little chuckle out of these pictures.

This first one is quit explicit:

OK, if you already read that sign, you did just what the sign said not to do.  I guess you can't be trusted to do what you are told (grin).

Suspicions confirmed!!
This U.S. Air Force Aircraft Identification Chart tells it like it is, right?  Anything that flies and isn't a conventional type aircraft can only be a weather balloon.  Like I said, my suspicions were just confirmed in this chart below:

Well, once I decided to write the fabulous story of my life and, well, as you can see how that turned out: 

I guess that I will leave you with a prehistoric animal exposing himself to all the kids in the toy shop.  Now that is really bad!! 

I hope I at least put a little smile on your face and hope that most of you got a big laugh out of it.  So I will leave you with the flashing toy etched into your minds. . . have a great day, if you can, you hear?


  1. Some very funny items in your post today. I particularly liked the chart of weather balloons, with the swamp gas thrown in for good measure. It shouldn't be funny because it's so near the truth!

    1. I got a chuckle out of them, glad you did, too.

  2. My favorite is the first one! Just gotta love it!

    1. Mine, too. That is why I put it first. Of course you didn't obey it, did you?

  3. That really made me chuckle. The Air force chart was my favorite - all those objects are weather balloons; hehehehehahahaha
    Have a nice weekend and thanks for the laughs.

    1. And only one "swamp gas". You know, it is probably close to the truth...

  4. Great post, Dizz. Just what we needed on a dreary Friday - but it IS Friday! Have a good one yourself!

    1. On nice thing about being old and retired, every day can be a Friday if I want it to be.

  5. Great post, DD,,, had to lol at a few.
