Saturday, March 12, 2016

It's a Long Way To....

I got thinking of an old World War One song.  It kept going through my head.  NO!!!  I am not old enough to remember WW1, I wasn't born until near the end of WW2.  So, you may ask, how did I know about that song?  Well, I'll tell you.

When I was a kid, I used to go to a church related summer camp.  It was a great place nestled in the green mountains of Pennsylvania and staffed by young adults who were our counselors and who kept us entertained.  They took us on hikes, watched over us as we went swimming, and took great care of all of us.  But sometimes, they came up with skits to entertain us at supper time.  That was many years ago and I may not get the story just right, but maybe you will get the idea.

Once, they told a long, boring, drawn-out story about a fellow who lived years ago and owned a large, dirty, and loud bird called a "Rary", and it may have been the last of its kind.  The other citizens in his fine community couldn't stand the noise, smell, and sight of it and therefore, they decided to get rid of it.  They waited until the owner of this Rary bird left to visit friends in another town.  The towns people snuck over snatched that bird, dragged it over to the cliff, and tossed it over.  One of the bystanders said, "Dang, that is a long way to tip a Rary".  And that is how this WW1 song got its inspiration.  And you thought it was the town of Tipperary, Ireland, didn't you?
Sheet music to "It's a Long Way to Tipperary"

Instead of a large, ugly bird like this, or

like this:

Just in case you don't think there was such a song, here is a link to it:
Or this one, where I got the first picture above:

OK, do any of you out there remember that song?  Yes, I know very few of you are that much over a hundred years old, but maybe you heard a parent or grandparent or uncle or some other older family member sing this song.  The tune keeps going through my head and I only got it second or third or fourth hand.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm not (yet) a hundred years old, but I sure know that song. And... a couple of days ago a few of us were on a hike... had to navigate a huge mud puddle... three (yes, 3!) of us started singing... You take the high road, I'll take the low road, and I'll get to London afore ye.... I wonder how many of us have English (or at least British Isles) ancestry? Some of these songs and saying have carried down through the ages.... and folks like me still use those sayings and know those old songs.

  2. I come from a family that enjoyed getting together to talk, eat, and sing. That is where I picked up a lot of old songs. Like, KKKaty, beautiful Katy.

  3. I remember the song very well, but I'm much to young to remember WW I. I actually don't even remember WW II because my parents kept it from me (my little brother was too young to know anything about it). But I think they radios played those old songs long after the event was over. My favorite WW II song is "I'll be home for Christmas". The words are so beautiful and poignant, and I always loved the song.

    1. Oh yes, "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams". I love most all music, but there is something special about those old songs, especially the ones that came around the two big wars.

  4. The history channel years ago aired the song "I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places." It is such a sentimental tune.

    1. Oh yes, I remember that song, and now you got that tune running through my heard.
