Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bad Weather On The Way.

We sure could use some rain, but would prefer just some nice easy rains, which it is doing right now.  But this IS Texas, and Texas is known for everything being BIG!!!  They are predicting some heavy rain (possibly up to nine inches), hail, and possible tornadoes.  That is what they said on the news last night.  This morning we are getting that badly needed rain, not heavy and not stormy, just steady drizzle.  This morning, there is no mention of severe weather.  Could it be that they got the weather forecast wrong?  NO!!  That could never happen (grin).

We got all our shopping done yesterday.  The sun was hot but the breeze was cool enough that I could open the car windows and sit in Hobby Lobby's and Micheale's parking lots while my wife shopped at those two places.  Then we went and got our groceries.  Glad we got that all done before the bad weather hit.  It may stay rainy here for a few days.  That is OK, because my wife and my pups bring lots of sunshine into my life.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. We are sending you some of our California storm. I heard this morning that a trailer park southwest of Ft. Worth suffered a possible tornado. I hope your rain stays gentle, but don't be surprised if it flexes some muscle as well.

    1. It is still gentle, but they say late tonight it may flex its muscles. I don't like "in the middle of the night" storms and neither do my pups. There is now some severe stuff to the west of us.

  2. Good luck with the weather, hopefully not too bad.

    1. I will try to be like the song says: "Country Folks Can Survive" or something like that.

  3. It's been raining a little here for the last hour... only the 2nd time it's rained in 3 months. Rainy season will come later. Hope severe weather doesn't come your way... but with your wife, the pups and those groceries with you, I know y'all will be just fine.

    1. Yep, we are all ready to set out the rainy weather.

  4. Hey, the weather gurus are never wrong. Hahahaha I have learned that I am more accurate than they are and all I do is open the door and stick my head out. Hope they are wrong as usual and all you get is a nice steady rain.

    1. And my wife's arthritis can predict bad weather way better than the paid TV weather people.
