Saturday, March 5, 2016

Is There Life Out There?

If you were going to search for life somewhere other than on Earth, where would you start?  Think about it for awhile before you read any further.

I couldn't see how there could not be some form of life some where in this humongous universe.  There are billions and billions of stars and I would think that there would be at least a few planets revolving around most of those stars and a percentage of them would be in the "Goldilocks" area.  And where is this area?  It is different for different size stars, but the main thing that describes it is that the Goldilocks area is the area where planets can have liquid water.  Now it doesn't say that they have to have it all the time at the surface, but if the water is frozen on the surface, there can still be liquid water under it.  So, if one was to search for life in some form or another, you must follow the water trail.  Water is essential to all life as we know it.

Some organisms can get the water that they need out of the air, but most need liquid water.  So the possibility of liquid water is what astronomers search for on planets and planetesimals when in search of extra-terrestrial life.  You did notice that I said "life as we know it".  There is speculation that other forms of life may have evolved and live off of methane or something entirely different than what we do.  Now, you all have a great day and watch out for all those other life forms, you hear?


  1. I believe there definitely are many groups and types of other life forms out there, and I believe some may have learned how to live without the same types of things we take as necessary for life. Oxygen, liquid water, plant life (for food), etc. Maybe some have evolved to live without eating, which would eliminate the need for a digestive system, and which is why some of them can be so small. They don't have all the inner organs we require. The govt is trying to gradually get us used to the idea, but they have been lying about it for over 70 yrs. You and I might see it in our lifetimes.

    1. The big problem is distance. Nothing travels faster than light and light can take thousands or millions or billions of years to reach us from other systems.

    2. I'm not so convinced that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. And what about bending space and time, and wormholes.

  2. Guess I've just taken it for granted that there is other life out there.... I'm still wondering what this life is all about.....

    1. Yep, I have enough trouble trying to figure out this day and age right here at home on Earth.

  3. I am sure there is other forms of life out there somewhere.

    1. Couldn't help but be. Glad I am not alone in believing this.

  4. Replies
    1. That is the best kind. Never reject any information before you study it.

  5. I firmly believe there is life elsewhere in the Universe. It may not be life as we know it but there is life. the Universe is just too expansive for there not to be. And that life may not need water to survive as it is a life form totally unknown to us.

    1. You are right, but they think more life would be found where there is water.
