Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!!

We have been having warm weather, highs in and around 80 degrees and lots of blue sky and sunshine.  The wild flowers have been blooming for awhile and now all the trees are putting on a new coat of green.  Actually, the leaves of some of the oaks when they first sprout out are red:

I picked up a few more natural objects that had all the different colors.  My Dad always said that springtime was just as pretty as fall.  I tend to agree but I would also include summer and winter, too.  I think nature always has something beautiful to show us.

These four things were just laying in my driveway  They represent some of the different colors of spring.

Get outside and walk around and see what beauty your area has to offer.  God, through nature, has painted this world with all the beautiful colors.  All we have to do is look for them.  Now, you all have a colorful and great day, you hear?


  1. Spring is my favorite season. When I think about it a scene (always the same) pops into my mind, and it's in Kentucky in springtime.

    There is an old rhyme that goes, "Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, ...." Have you heard it and do you remember the last line? IZt sounds like an old Burma Shave ditty.

    1. No, I don't remember that one, but I loved all those Burma Shave signs along the road when I was younger.

  2. loved those signs too,,,,
    the bluebonnets are coming out!! gonna be LOTS

    1. Yes, I have been seeing a few blue bonnets. It will not be long till they all burst out in bloom. Also, the Indian Paintbrush are blooming.

  3. Spring is sprung, the grass is riz... I wonder where the birdies is. I think it goes on... ??? But, we just got back to Texas and the bluebonnets are blooming (also the Indian paintbrush) and so spring must really be here.

    1. Yes it is, just in time to great you and Bill.

    2. Thanks, Essay. That sounds right.

  4. Since it is snowing here again, I think I'll have to wait a wee bit longer for Spring. Although I have seen a few flowers starting to peek out of the ground. There is hope. Have a great weekend.

    1. I remember back when I lived in Pennsylvania, that the crocuses and daffodils came peeking out of the ground (which sometimes had snow on it) around Easter time.

  5. Crazy weather! Don't really know whether to wear a sweater or shorts.

    Gotta love Springtime in Texas!

  6. I love Spring and Fall.

    My body can't quite handle summer or winter anymore.

    1. I can understand that. Spring and Fall are the best times to be outside.
