Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Yesterday Around Here.

Yesterday was another beautiful warm Spring day.  My son has the soil of his garden worked and ready for planting.  With a garden that size, we should not go hungry this summer, that is if he will share some with us (grin).  His two step children are standing in the upper left of the picture by the tree.  I can't wait to see what he plants and what comes up first.

Then, yesterday, we had a visitor.  I wouldn't care, in fact I like snakes, but this one was stalking the birds at my bird feeder and I couldn't have that.  All I am going to say is that it will not be bothering the birds anymore.

I put feed out to attract the birds, I even have humming bird feeders.  I don't put the feed out to attract the birds for snake food.  So, if any of you see any snakes, tell them to let my birds alone.
That is all for today, so I will just say, "have a great day, you hear?"


  1. WOW what a garden!,,, would hate to have to work it. My motto, you can get fresh veges at stands or groceries in the summer, so why do all that work? (LOL did,, once)

    1. He has the equipment to make it easier. I quit gardening a long time ago.

  2. That is a farm, not just a garden! I'd be mad at the snake too, although I prefer to live and let live where they are concerned. I don't think I could ever kill one.

    1. He was about five feet long and was after the birds. Not only do I have a feeder up on a pole, I sprinkle feed on the ground fro the doves, sparrows, etc. He got within a couple of feet of the birds when I caught up with him. BTW, the inside of his mouth was pure white.

  3. Sure hope he shares some of the "bounty" from the fruits of his labor with you. I agree with you about feeding the birds and not the critters that prey on the birds. They can go prey on the birds somewhere else. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. I'm sure he will. If not, I can pick some on my own (grin).
