Monday, March 21, 2016

Some Quotes by Texans.

Texas is a huge state with almost any kind of scenery (mountains and sea shore and thick forests and open plains and swamps and deserts and just about anything you want), different climates, a diverse population, and space age technology along with cattle ranches right out of the old cowboy movies.  If you can't find it in Texas, you didn't look in the right area of this great state.  Yes, I live in Texas, not by birth but moved here for a job.  I had watched all the TV cowboy shows and was quite surprised when the plane I was in was making its decent into Houston.  Looking out the window all I could see were forests and lakes and rivers.  Everyone who has never been here has there own idea what Texas is like.  For all you non-Texans, what do you think it is like?

I am going to give you some quotes about Texas by some famous people that you may have heard of.  I will start off with one of our governors, Ann Richards.  Ann was the 45th governor of this state, and although this quote is not about Texas, it was in defense of women in politics; she said: "After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did.  She just did it backwards and in high heels."

Being a Texan is more of a state of mind than just living in the state of Texas.  Of course, there are always a few who do not like this state, and of course, then they should not live or visit here.  Back in the civil-war era, Philip Henry Sheridan said, "If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell".

I think the best quote and the one that I think fits the best is this one by Mary Lasswell: "I am forced to conclude that God made Texas on his day off, for pure entertainment, just to prove that all that diversity could be crammed into one section of earth by a really top hand."  Now, I am sure all you Texans or want to be Texans out there will have a great day.  All you others, just do the best you can. . .


  1. I'm kinda a Texan by default... the fault of the system that requires I be a resident of some State... any State. I'll never be a "true" Texan, but I'll love the blue bonnets, the cacti, the diversity of the terrain.... I'll even love I 10 and I 35 and I 20... I love BBQ, love seeing long horned cattle... river crossings that are no more than a concrete spillway... I could do without the pollen from yellow pine (or whatever it is)... I love Stetson hats.... tall cowboys in jeans... heck, I could go on forever. I may always be an Ohioan at heart, but Texas has welcomed me and I appreciate the hospitality. I've got no problem with my adopted state.

    1. I was from Ohio's neighboring state of Pennsylvania, and only spent the first 30 years of my life there. I have been lived in Texas longer than that, both in the Houston and the Dallas/Ft. Worth areas.

  2. I have driven thru Texas from end to end twice and have visited family who lived in Houston many times. Texas is a fantastic State. Hubby and I have even talked about moving there when he retires. My hat's off to Texas.

  3. We have spent many weeks in various part of Texas over the last 10 years and have always enjoyed it. So many interesting things to see and do.

  4. Texasann (Hermit's Baby Sis)March 24, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    To Linda and others - "Some of us are lucky enough to be born in Texas - others just get here as quick as they can". So come on down - we'll set an extra plate on the table and open a Dr. Pepper for ya!
