Friday, February 19, 2016

Swap Meet

My wife and I went to the swap meet at the Farm Show Grounds near Conroe, Texas.  The weather was warm (is now 80 degrees) with a cool breeze, very comfortable, even with the hot sun.  Most of it was outside but some was inside.  I took lots of pictures, but could not do it justice.  It was mostly auto parts, old cars, and vehicle related paraphernalia.  So now I will shut up and let the pictures do the talking:

I got a laugh at the yellow sign on the bottom right in the above picture.

And this last one is not here for show, but I snapped a picture of it because it is the longest class-C toy hauler that I have ever seen.

There was just so much there that I could not cover it all in pictures.  I hope you got some idea of what it was like.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. WhooHoooo... looks like you had a great time. Those old trucks and other vehicles sure are from times gone by! What a fun day you must have had.

    1. Brings back a lot of memories. An old guy like me remembers driving a lot of them. My Grandpa had a 1940 Ford and I learned to drive a straight stick in it. My first car was one my Dad quit driving, it was a 1955 Desoto

  2. So that's what a swap meet looks like! My late husband used to go to them and always talked about them.

    1. They sure did have a huge variety of stuff and not all of it was vehicle related. It was like a huge flea market that covered a lot acreage.

  3. Love going to swap meets, always some interesting stuff to see.

    1. Yes, I sure did enjoy this one. Will go again when it comes around to this area.

    2. I like going to them too. I sure would like to know when there is another one around here.
