Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sunbathing This Morning.

Another beautiful day here in Cut & Shoot, East Texas.  The sun is bright and hot and there is a cool breeze coming out of the south south east.  The air temperature is only 72 degrees, but boy does that sun quickly penetrate to your bones. . . yep, feels real good to these old bones.

I wanted to get some sun on my upper chest but it was shaded by my beard.  What to do, what to do?  Oh yes, I just twisted it a little bit and hooked it up over my left ear.  Hay!!  That worked perfect.  Now I am in the house and feel really good and am just waiting for my lunch, which should be ready about now.  So, I will say goodbye for today and make sure you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. How could you describe what you did with your beard and not take a photo to show us?

    1. Because I was sitting out in the sun and relaxed and wasn't ready to get up. OK, I am lazy, but really, I didn't think to do so.

  2. I agree with Gypsy... darn! I wanted to see the picture. Oh well... you might have gotten a sunburn without your beard protecting you ;-)

    1. You will get a better picture if you use your imagination. . .

  3. Come on, we all want a picture. Hahaha Right now I can't even imagine sunbathing, unless I use the reflection off the snow. Have a great weekend.

    1. The winters are usually warm down here but the summers are really hot.

  4. didnt you get sunburned? all that white skin? im seeing RED

    1. Didn't get really burned but I could leave my fingerprints on my chest, so it was a little on the red side.
