Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Something for Grins.

Well, today I am going to try to get you to grin.  But first, how to confuse an idiot.:
OK, for those of you who are still clicking on the start arrow, this is a joke.  Hope I didn't confuse you (grin).  Hey, when I saw it I clicked on it a couple of times then started laughing.

Take a close look at the picture below.  What do you think will happen when pedestrians walk up to it?  What would you do?

 OK, it is just a painting on the sidewalk.  Even though, would you dare walk across it, especially with that guy perched on the ledge?

The below pictures are of presidents and a couple of want to be presidents.  It sort of shows you how presidents age while in the White House.
OK, I sure hope I got you all to at least chuckle a little bit and maybe even down right laugh out loud.  Now, I hope the above helps put a grin on your face for today and, of course, I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. When I clicked on the arrow the Batman rescue came up... but then it doesn't take much to confuse me ;-)

    1. Yes, I forgot that in a person's blot, if you click on one of the pictures, you can go to the next one, etc, etc.

  2. Good post tonight. I think George aged the most during his tenure. I don't think Bernie is more than a year or two older than I am, which means he isn't much older again than you are. I hope we look better than your depiction. Bernie has ore energy than I have, for sure.

    1. Yep, but eight years in office starting at our age. . . I know I would never make it.

  3. It appears that Donald Trump might age well if, heaven forbid, y'all elect him for President. He looks better in his second photo! *chuckles*


    1. I don't care what they look like, they just have to be able to do a good job. There are a few running that fits that bill and Trump is high on that list.

  4. Well, you got a chuckle out of me. I have seen those sidewalk paintings for real and they can really make you wonder. Love the aging presidents. I'm with you in that I don't care what they look like as long as they do a good job and get this Country back on the right track.

    1. I have never seen any except chalk lines where the kids hopped on the squares. And yes, we need to get back on the track before it is too late, if it isn't already.

  5. AWWW DD, i'm always glad to get to your blog, never know what i'll find. Keep it up!
