Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

I sure do want to wish all my readers a very happy Valentine's Day.  Every one should have a sweetheart and I met mine in high school, married her, and till this day, she is still my Valentine. 

 Valentine's Day is extra special to me and to a lady who gave birth on this day back in 1943 to a bouncing baby boy who turned out to be me.  Thank you Mom, for giving me life and for raising me with love even when I did wrong.  Yep, I still miss my Mom and Dad.  They were wonderful people.

So, I guess I should post one of my baby pictures, right?  Well here it is:

I have nothing special planned.  Since I have run out of my prescriptions, we went to Wal-Mart and picked them up at the pharmacy there.  My doctor calls my prescriptions in there, and that gives us the opportunity, since we are already there, to pick up a few odds and ends.  I bought ice-cream but my favorite is not back on the shelves yet.  If Blue-Bell doesn't hurry up getting their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream back on line, I am going to get used to buying the other brands that make it too.

My wife wanted to buy me a cake, but I said that I like pie much better than cake, but they didn't have a fruit pie of the flavor that I enjoy most.  So, I didn't get any.  After we came home and had lunch, I mixed up a treat that I like.  I mix yogurt and cranberry juice and Honey Nut cereal together.  Not only is it fairly healthy, it is oh so good.  OK, I am sending lots of love to you readers out there and sure do want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Blue Bell is in a few places as far east as north Alabama. Wish it was everywhere.

    1. As far as I know, Blue Bell has three plants. The first two plants are located in Brenham and on the outskirts of Brenham. The third is in Oklahoma.

    2. "We are making ice cream at our facilities in Brenham, Texas, Sylacauga, Ala., and Broken Arrow, Okla."
      There is Blue Bell in Decatur, Alabama at the campground I stay at when in Gavinland.

    3. Yes, I can buy Blue Bell but it seems they have not yet made all there flavors. The one I love was not in the stores yet, at least around here.

  2. Happy Birthday Dizzy! And a Happy Valentine's day as well. Hope your day is the best!

    1. Thanks, so far so good. Of course I am not doing anything special, but I did buy some ice-cream.

  3. Better to have today as your birthday than April 1. Best wishes.

    1. You sure got that right, especially because I am kind of a fool as it is.

  4. Happy B/V Day, DD! How's about a dish of Moosetracks while you wait for the blue bunny to arrive!

    1. OK, I will be watching Top Fuel Drag racing later this afternoon. . . Hey, it is coming on right now.

  5. A Happy belated Birthday and Valentine's Day to you. Not doing anything special seems to be the norm for me as well.

    1. Doing special things and partying is for people younger than I am.

  6. And a late Happy Birthday from me, too, Dizzy. In this case, I hope it's better late ~
    You're one of the few who continues to blog almost daily, and you're still on track. I appreciate that, and wish you the best.

    1. Thank you and if it were not for people like you who comment on my blog postings, I would have quit long ago.
