Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I've Been Reading Blogs.

I have been reading a lot of blog postings, but for some reason, I just didn't have anything to write about.  My last post was on the nineteenth of this month about going to the swap meet.  Everyone is OK at my house and the reason for not posting is that I am just lazy and didn't have anything new to say.

Well that has changed.  You do know that I am on the old side of life and have been a grandfather for quite awhile.  Well that is going to change this summer.  I am going to become a great grandpa.  Hey, I know I am great (grin), but being a great grandpa sounds really old to me.  Dang, wake up Dizzy and look in the mirror. Yep, I guess I am really old.  Anyway, I am really excited about the birth of my great grand baby.  I am excited about the upcoming event and am looking forward to seeing my first great grand son or daughter.  Some of us, like me, keep getting old and will soon be leaving this world and some are born new into this world.  I hope and pray that life in the world to come for my grandchild will be pleasant and treat him or her as well as possible.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Congratulations, hope I will be around to be a great Grandpa too !

  2. That is good news that you will be once again into changing diapers but on a great grand kid this time. HOORAY for you.

    1. Oh no, me change diapers? Not on your tin type.

  3. Dizzy what makes them great is there is the parents and grandparents cleaning up the mess you caused .

  4. Congratulations to the proud parents and to the grandparents and great grandparents as well. Two of my younger brothers are "greats" but I'm still just a grandma!

    1. You are still a grandma because you are not old enough to be a great grandma.

    2. Congrats, DD
      Oh Dear! I am old, my oldest great grandchild is now an early teen.
      Happy Trails and Trails, Penny

  5. lol i did that on 9-11,,, actually never thot of it like that.

  6. Congratulations! We just saw on Facebook yesterday that we'll have another great grandchild in August. Yeah... with our family it takes Facebook for us to find out anything. So happy for you...

    1. They say it is bad luck to say anything about it too far in advance, but I just got excited.

  7. Congratulations! I have 7 greats and I believe I am a little younger. So much fun to see this newest generation to our family. And I know you will have a great time with yours

    1. Thanks, I sure am planning on having a great time with ours.

  8. Congratulations on your upcoming great grandpa status. You are not "old" just mature. I am very happy for you.

    1. Some days I an old, real old, but I am never mature. At least, I don't act mature. That is no fun.

  9. We all knew already that you were great, Dizzy! And I miss you when you're not posting ~ seems like you and Hermit Jim are just about the only ones, along with SixBears when he's got wifi, that post daily anymore. I count on that!!

    1. I have been known to skip a few days now and then, but I usually try to post every day.

  10. Ah, the Great Dizzy-Dick will become a most awesome Great Grandpa. Compared to me, good sir, you are a most prolific blogger.

    Here's to you and your family, good sir.


    1. Thanks Klahanie. One thing for sure, it will be interesting and I hope a lot of fun. Fun is good, you know.

  11. My daughter never had kids, and I'm actually pretty at ease with the whole thing. I'm not "granny" to anyone, and don't have your type of worry on my mind for their future. Whew. All depends on how you look at it, eh gramps?

    1. gramps? No, not just gramps but great gramps. . . (grin). Of course one wants their blood line to continue and prosper in the future. But I will just be Alfred E. Newman and say, "what, me worry?".

  12. My daughter never had kids, and I'm actually pretty at ease with the whole thing. I'm not "granny" to anyone, and don't have your type of worry on my mind for their future. Whew. All depends on how you look at it, eh gramps?
