Thursday, February 25, 2016

Another Beautiful Day

The east and northeast part of the country are having some bad weather.  Old Man Winter doesn't want to let go up there.  Just heard on the TV that Illinois had 17" of snow.  Well, it is just beautiful here with blue skies and temperatures in the 70's.  There is quite a breeze blowing, but the sun is good and hot.

I took the garbage out to the dumpster and noticed that the redbud trees are blooming around the neighborhood and the wild jasmine are booming.  In fact, the wind has knocked down some of the jasmine blooms.  Here is a picture of three that I picked up in the driveway:

 They sure do have a pleasant aroma and the bright yellow color makes them stand out in a crowd.  Spring has sprung and it doesn't last long enough for me.  Always loved spring because everything was coming alive and blooming.  Autumn is also full of color as the leaves start to change, but more so up north than here.  Now, take time to see the beauty in Nature and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Thought you was holding a daffodil to me the first sign of spring.

    1. The daffodils are blooming all over the neighborhood. I just don't have any on my 12 acres.

  2. I, too, thought you were holding daffodils. My son-in-law sent us a photo of the daffodils we planted in their yard in Glen Rose, TX... blooming so nicely! I don't know about that jasmine tree/bush? Sounds lovely. I used to make jelly out of redbud flowers... one of my favorites!

    1. It is a wild vine and when it is blooming, the beautiful aroma fills the air. . . unless the wind is blowing too hard.

  3. Our ornamental plum tree is covered in pale pink blooms. Lovely, in AZ. Jasmine is so great but it would cook to death here in a most miserable way. :-(

    1. It has been in the upper 70's here. It gets hot in here in Texas but also where I live, the humidity gets real high, too. Every time have been in AZ, the lack of humidity made it feel cooler than what it was.

  4. We have a lot of trees and bushes in bloom, but so far I haven't noticed that horrible yellow pollen! That's the stuff that really bothers me.

    1. It is getting close to the "yellow" season here where everyone drives a yellow vehicle.

  5. Yes the weather is beautiful. Enjoyed my porch and the sound of the fountain. I lost all my flowers to frost this winter, guess I'll buy a few new ones.

    1. Sorry to hear that you lost your flowers. We save a lot of old sheets and toss them over the plants we want to keep any frost off of. This has been a warm winter and so far, I have not seen any frost although a night or two it got real close to the freezing mark.

  6. Our weather is still cold and windy - too far north i guess for flowers to start blooming. I love Jasmine, the smell is very intoxicating. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Every day is like a weekend for me (grin). Don't tell my wife that or she will find me something to do. . . like work.

  7. Used to have the jasmine out front, but it died off. I see it around.
