Thursday, January 14, 2016

Do Your Dogs have Nicknames?

How many of you have dogs as pets or family members?  I bet a lot of you do and I bet there are a lot like me where the dogs live in the homes.  Our pups are so spoiled, but that was not their fault.  My wife even cooks for them and right now the oldest one is telling my wife it is time to get up out of her recliner and get the food cooking.  It is time to eat. . . of course with my pups, anytime is time to eat.

Now, the title to this blog is about nicknames for dogs.  No, we don't really have nicknames for our pups but I got thinking what nickname would be appropriate for each of them.  I am sure several would fit each pup, so I may have a problem coming up with the best.

Let me start with the oldest and smartest, Muffin (or Muffy for short).  I would have to give her the nickname of "Boss".  Yep, she IS the boss of this household and keeps the other two in line and lets my wife and I know exactly what she wants.  Like right now, she is telling us that it is time to eat.  Yes, my wife cooks for our dogs.  She usually cooks a lot at one time and stores what is left over in the refrigerator to be heated up for their dinner the next day.

The second in command is our male, Chang Le.  He could be a show dog and struts around as proud as a peacock.  I guess if he had a nickname, it would have to be "Pretty Boy".

And then there is the youngest, who was handed to my wife with her papers on a trip to Pennsylvania and was told that the dogs name was Gizmo (Gizzy).  That made the third Shih Tzu.  So, what should her nickname be?  How about "The Kid", or as I sometimes call her, "Trouble".  Yep, she is really full of energy and gets into everything.  She is trouble waiting to happen, but she can be lots of fun.  We also call her the "shredder", since she likes to chew up paper.

Back when we got the last pup, we had another older dog named Buttons.  She was my "secretary" when I was working.  Always beside me.  I miss her and remembering her still brings a tear to my eye.  It seems I have always had a dog or two.  Had a Boxer, Bassett Hounds, Beagles, a Cocker Spaniel, and yes they were all very special to me.  Let me hear about the pets that you have had and loved and that were extra special to you.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. My family didn't nickname anything... not even us kids. So I've never gotten into nicknames either... I guess whatever we were named... or I named a kid or critter... that's what they were called. My Mom did call my Dad, Buddy... he was her Buddy until he died.

    1. If some one called me by my given first name of Richard, I would think that I was in big trouble. Just call me Dick or Dizzy or both.

  2. My ex husband used to call my shepherd "Lazy Lady". She was really a laid back dog. When I had my beloved black lab, Smoky, my then husband was Spanish and called him "Smokito". I don't think I've ever given a dog a nickname (or a kid, either).

    1. What about old guys like me? Do you just call me Richard or do you refer to me as Dick or Dizzy? The last two are what I answer to.

  3. We lost our beloved 13 year old border collie last March. His name was Ike, but my husband called him "Tooker" a lot. I have yet to know why. We cooked for him his entire life.

    The only bad thing about a good dog is they don't last long enough . . .

    1. They sure don't last long enough, but at my age, they may out live me. "Tooker"? Maybe it was because the dog took some of his stuff.

  4. I haven't had a dog around since 1977. So I can't say as I have any nicknames. Now hubby has been called a few if you know what I mean. Does he count? Have a great weekend.

    1. Of course we husbands count, at least we think so. . .

  5. Someone dropped off a puppy, fit inside my husband's shirt pocket. We named her Found'er. I left her with him when i left, she had started killing baby chickens. But i thot that name was cute.

    1. Yep, it was a cute name. Sorry to hear it started killing chickens.
