Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I Get Confused. . .

Have you ever taken a relaxing drive, just driving along on a nice sunny day surrounded by other cars and trucks and such?  Then someone in the car yells, "Watch out for that car!!".  Well, my immediate response is "What car??".   By then, what ever was meant by that dire warning, if it materialized, had evaporated.  Yep, that happened to me today and I still don't know what car my passenger meant.  Well I guess I got through that crises without a scratch.

I would say that I lived through that old saying, when you remain calm and peaceful when those all around you are screaming with terror, you just may not know the whole story.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.  Haven't you heard someone say "what you don't know won't hurt you"?  I don't believe that at all.  I want to know what is going on around me at all times.  In fact, I would prefer if it were possible, to know what is going on everywhere.  Of course, if knowing would make me get up out of my rocker/recliner, maybe you could put off telling me until I decide to get up on my own (grin).  This reminds of the old joke about the fellow who said, "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandpa did, not screaming like the other passengers in the car he was driving".  Now don't you fall asleep while driving, that would ruin your day and I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. When I am driving and my hubby is "back seat" driving he does that to me all the time. Scares the pants off me. I tell him "don't do that because I might just crash into what you are yelling about". There are days when I just feel I should turn in my drivers license and let him do all the driving. Maybe I have just become a dreamer and prefer the rocker.

    1. I sure do enjoy my rocker but I also enjoy driving. I don't know what is wrong with those other drivers on the road, can't they see I am old and should have the right of way.. grin.

  2. We are just paying attention to something else, Dizzy. It's not like we're daydreaming or anything dangerous, right?
    Yes, I know what you mean, but I do most of my driving alone, so I just "wake up" and think How did I get here so fast?

    1. I know what you are saying. That has happened to me a few times, too.

  3. Bill always drives the motorhome... I almost always drive the car... that way we have equal backseat driving time ;-)

    1. That would make you think before you started back seat driving with your partner. My wife refuses to drive any more. She prefers to be chauffeured.

  4. Rarely have anyone with me, but do listen if someone yells about something.

    1. It is good to pay attention, as long as that person doesn't yell "wolf" too often. I do listen to my wife, just want you to know.

  5. I don't even want to drive lately, except maybe within a 5 or 6 mile radius of my house. I've been doing some dumb things and worry about it.

    1. If you don't feel safe driving, take public transportation of some kind, like a cab or a bus.

  6. My husband has taken to calling me "Miss Daisy" because he does all the driving. Funny. My grandma's name was Daisy and she never learned to drive. I love just looking out the window and admiring the scenery.

    1. You got yourself a built in chauffeur. Don't knock it. (btw, I had to look up chauffeur, I tried typing it a bunch of different ways and the spell checker underlined it. . . even it didn't know what I was trying to spell, I was that far off.

    2. when spell checker underlines, r click on word and then click on right spelling

    3. I do, but sometimes my misspelled work is so far wrong that the spell checker has no idea what I want to say.

  7. Those French words mess me up too. I can spell them, but never know how to pronounce them.

    1. I can't read, write, or speak real French. Have enough trouble with English.
