Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cleared Some Brush.

My son asked me if I would like to have some of the thick brush removed from behind my house.  I said OK, and he brought his big John Deere up and pushed over some trees and pulled out some thick bushes and took the front end loader and pushed his way through the under brush.  He didn't have time to finish and said when he got the chance he would come up and finish the job.  I helped the best I could with some trimmers.  This area was so thick that I couldn't walk through it.

He didn't have much time but wanted to get the heavy stuff out of the way and then he will come back and get rid of all the remaining brush and then work the soil and plant grass seed there.  Yes, I thanked him and I believe it will much nicer now.  It is nice to have a son that would do this for me.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?



  1. Can I borrow your son to come here and help me with my weed problem after all the rain we are having?

    1. After he got home from working on the North Shore of Alaska, he said that he wasn't going to leave the area for work. BTW, his tractor is a large agriculture type John Deere and it may not fit in your yard.

  2. Replies
    1. If he can't find work he can always make a go of it with that tractor. He will slowly build up his inventory of attachements.

  3. Those big toys can make quick work of a hard job... now for all the fine tuning ;-)

    1. Yep, but this is Texas and we just don't get in a big hurry to do anything that resembles work (grin).

  4. Boys and their toys. Your son sure has a nice toy in that tractor. Glad he could help out his Daddy.

    1. Yes, it was great for him to help out. I do appreciate it.

  5. Love that first picture,, a path thru the woods. And yeah, here in TX, brush can get away from you, make things impassable.

    1. One thing I have here is a lot of brush. BTW, I posted a blog this morning and it hasn't shown up.

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