Sunday, December 13, 2015

Shrunken Heads.

For some odd reason, I woke up this morning thinking about an old movie that I enjoyed, Beetlejuice.  I thought the guys with the shrunken heads were quite funny.  You don't think shrunken heads are funny?  Then you didn't see the movie.  Here is what I am talking about:

And the star of the show sitting with the guy with the shrunken head.  This gives you some perspective to the size of the shrunken head on the guy on the right side of the picture.

Yes, the above are just props in a movie, but there have been some tribes of natives that actually practiced head shrinking.  This last picture is supposedly of a real shrunken head:

Of course I have no way of knowing for sure if this picture is of a real head, but it sure does look like it.  Don't forget, you can enlarge any of the pictures by clicking on them.  Of course, some of you have already seen way too much, right?  Now, stay away from head hunters and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember seeing a shrunken head at the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History when I was a child. I thought it was pretty spooky.

    I watched about 10 minutes of Beetlejuice on TV years ago - I guess I should have watched it from the beginning because I could never figure it out. thought it was pretty dumb, actually.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have never seen a real shrunken head and really don't want to. BTW, it may have been a dumb movie but I am dumb and therefore enjoy dumb movies.

  2. When I was very young, my older brother had a thing for shrunken heads. I think they were popular at the time, and I think he had one. A fake - of course. I can still picture it.

    You know - I can see how a the skin and all the tissues would shrink with age as liquid dried - or whatever they treated them with, but how in the world would the bones shrink? Even animal bones that you pass out in the desert that have been here drying out for years are still the same size. Just white and bleached. Now you've got me wondering... :)

    1. They removed the skull (all bones) and sewed the head back up and then shrunk it.

  3. I never saw the movie but I remember the father of Tommy Mottola's Mexican wife...Thalia...had a scientist father who learned how to shrink heads but took his secret to the grave.

    1. The grave may be the best place for that secret.

  4. Glad to see you still posting regularly, Dizzy, even if it's about shrunken heads. Talk about shrinking - where are all the bloggers? Just rode off into the blogosphere sunset? Thanks for being there. (now, don't get a big head about it!)

    1. If you give me a big head, maybe I can get a mad scientist to shrink it for me. . . My brain is small enough as it is.
