Friday, December 11, 2015

Things I don't understand.

There are a lot of things I don't understand, and my wife is the first to point that out.  But hey, I am man enough to admit that there are a lot of things I can't wrap my mind around.  To keep this blog at a reasonable length, I am only going to tell you about a couple of them.

The first is "entanglement".  That comes from the strange and weird world of quantum mechanics where it says that two particles can react with each other at a distance.  That distance can be a hairs width away or the whole way across the universe.  Distance doesn't matter.  You can google it and read to your hearts content, but if you are like me, you just can not understand it.  Blows my mind.  In fact this inter-reaction can happen faster than the speed of light.  This has been scientifically proven.  Even Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance".

The second concerns the cosmic microwave background.  I have trouble understanding how microwaves can be coming from every point in the universe at about the same intensity.  It is like a glow left over from the "big bang".  That would mean there must be the same amount of "stuff" in any direction we look.  Wouldn't that put us in the center of the universe???  I don't know about you, but I am the center of my universe (grin).  Well, not exactly, my wife, our family, and our pups are the center of my universe, how about yours?  Now have a great day where ever you are in this universe, you hear?


  1. There's just an awful lot in this life I don't understand... but I'll admit I work harder at solving the daily crossword puzzle than I do at understanding how the cosmic microwaves work ;-)

    1. I prefer Sudoku instead of crosswords. I have always been better with numbers than with letters and words.

  2. I think of entanglement as when a dog gets his leash wrapped around something (like your legs), and keeps going in the same direction making the entanglement even worse!

    I'm really interested in the universe and spend a lot of time finding out about it, but I will admit I still understant very little. (I just keep wrapping my leash in the same direction!)

    1. Don't wrap your leash too tight or you will fall down.

  3. Replies
    1. Astronomy and science are my favorite subjects, you should be glad I don't write about them every day. I could, you know.

    2. i believe you,, lol. glad you dont.
