Monday, December 14, 2015

Explaination for Yesterday's Blog Posting.

On yesterday's blog posting, I talked about shrunken heads.  You may wonder why or how I came up with that subject.  Well, I am going to tell you.

Our three dogs go to the groomer usually every month.  The last trip left my oldest lovely pup, Muffin, looking quite different.  She had to have her face trimmed real short because somehow she managed to get the hair on her face so tangled and matted that the groomer had no choice but to cut it out.  So, when I first saw her, her head looked like it had been shrunk and she reminded me of the characters in the movie Beetlejuice that had the tiny heads on big bodies.  Poor Muffie had a tiny shaved head on a huge fluffy body.  And yes, it made me smile.  But of course I still love her to death.  She is my buddy and is usually laying beside me in my rocker/recliner as I write my blog, search the internet, or just watch TV.  She is my snuggle bunny during the day but not at night.  She prefers to sleep on my chair at night and Gizzy, our youngest, prefers her fluffy, soft, big pillow inside her own pen house.  The male, he prefers our king size bed, but usually lays right next to me.  Hey, my pups like me and I am so glad.  But, of course, my male just loves his mommy, my wife, the most and stays with her almost all day long.

OK, now you all pet your pets, if you have any, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Hey I remember that Beetlejuice movie & just watched part of it again one night last week. Our pets sure do have their favorite places to sleep alright & despite her 50 pounds I sure love it when our Pheebs crawls up onto my lap for a nap when I am in my recliner as well. What would we do without our most best Pals of ever eh:))

    1. Yes, we love our pets because they are a big part of our lives. I still remember every pet I had.

  2. My black lab was my snuggle bunny, and I sure do miss him.

    1. If only people could be as nice as dogs. Oh yes, some are and some dogs are mean, too.

    2. I truly believe there are no mean dogs except those that people train to be mean.

  3. No mre pets for us, but we love all that we can visit.

    1. I worry about what will happen to our dogs if my wife and I were to pass away first.

  4. Mama hasn't had a cat in a while (we are all cat people, not dogs), and she really misses the company. Bubba Hermit Jim has tried to get a few of his kittens to stay in the house with Mama, but they prefer him, and stick pretty close. Since she's been in the hospital, I guess I'm glad there's not one at home for her. I've seen what happens to pets who are suddenly left behind for long periods of time - not pretty. Seems like they just pine away.

    1. We had three cats at the same time and each had a different personality. I loved them and still miss them. But my three pups keep me occupied. There is usually at least one on my chair with me most of the time.

  5. Poor Muffie! I don't have any pets but most of my friends do so I can sympathize with you.

    1. She doesn't know what she looks like. . . I haven't let her look in any mirrors lately. (grin).
