Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Visit to Eye Doctor's.

Had an appointment with the eye doc this morning.  A little over a year ago, I had a laser procedure to burn off some cellular growth under my inserted lenses that were put in my eye when I had my cataracts removed.  I was told at the time to get the other one done in a year or so.  Well, it has been a year or so.  He checked me and said, yes, it was time.  I said great, zap if off.  He said I would have to set up an appointment and come back to have it done.  I said, oh yes, you just want to make double the money.  He never answered.  There goes the old common sense law, "never piss off your surgeon".

My eyesight is still very hazy, so I am going to cut this blog posting short.  They should clear up and I am sure by tomorrow they will be back to normal. . . No, better than normal.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Gonna need me some new lenses in the new year, Dizzy. The last RX I got has not lasted well at all, just short of a year, and I can tell it's time for a change. Gonna have to find a new doc, too. This last one was new to me, but didn't do a very good job, I'm thinkin' ...
    Good luck with both your new eyes ~

    1. The Doctors don't want to replace the implanted lenses that were put in when I had my cataracts removed. That would require surgery again and Medi-care doesn't cover that if the problem can be fixed with glasses.

  2. I've had my eyes zapped ... got floaters underneath my cataract lenses... it only took seconds and cleared things up. Now, a couple of years later I have some more floaters... it's like a mote of dust or something floating around... oh well... it can be fixed. Hope you get yours taken care of soon.

    1. When my retina detached, it broke a blood vessel and everything I looked at out of that eye was red. Glad it bled like that cause it made me rush to an eye doc and they made arrangements for it to be tacked back in place via laser. It worked.

  3. Hope you did not piss off your eye doctor too badly! At least you are in a big city with excellent doctors to choose from if you did :)

    1. Conroe is not big and I hate to go to Houston. But we do have some good docs and a hospital.
