Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Remember in my last blog posting I showed what the grandkids made for me and the birds.  Well, remembering back before Christmas time they showed up with some hand made decorations that they made for our Christmas tree.  Well, since we canceled Christmas this year, we didn't have a Christmas Tree set up.  But then I remembered that a few years ago, my wife made a tree from all the wild grape vines growing all over my place.  It sits in the corner of our living room and is always decorated with something, actually, many things.  So, it was the perfect place to put their hand made gifts.

This first picture shows the red one with some green mixed in.  That old owl in the lower left corner of the picture has been in my family for generations.  There were originally three of them, and when I and my cousins were young and went to visit grandma and grandpa at Christmas time, our job was to find all three of them.  So, it holds a lot of precious memories for me.

And over on the other side of the grape vine tree are two more that they made for us this year.  That one on the right wants to pull me right in, like a vortex or a whirlpool.  Pretty nice, aren't they?

OK, want to see the whole tree?  Well, here it is:

Even though we didn't have a Christmas tree, that didn't stop the grandkids from giving us their hand made ornaments and the old grapevine tree volunteered to substitute as our Christmas tree.  That way, we can enjoy their gifts all year long.  I sure hope you had a great Christmas season and you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Handmade grandkid ornaments beats all store bought ornaments by a wide margin.

    1. That is a fact, you got that right Barney. An of course they will be cherished.

  2. That's the best kind of tree! Makes me think of some of the trees Bill & I have had over the years... more love than style ;-)

    1. Yep, it is a permanent fixture in the living room.

  3. I think the grapevine tree looks as pretty as a pine! Great decorations.

    1. Thanks Gypsy, we think so too. Always had a fresh cut spruce for a Christmas tree, but not in the last few years.

  4. I love the tree what a great idea and of course all the handmade ornaments are the best ever

    1. Hand made is better and my wife is very good at making things.

  5. LOVE it, and tell them how much i love their additions.

    1. I will tell them the next time I see them. Thanks.
