Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Gloom and Groomers

The weather here in East Texas is still gloomy and today was dog grooming day.  That makes matters even worse, coming back home to a silent house. . . no barking to greet us.  Funny how bad I miss my little rascals.  It is like part of me is missing.  I guess that I have gotten way too attached to them and visa-versa, but I like it that way.

After we dropped the three pups off, we went shopping and picked up a few supplies, that took up a few hours.  We then came home and ate lunch and now it is 13:30, four and half hours after we dropped them off.  Gee, I would think that they should be done by now.  I guess I will wait until a little longer and then I may just give them a call.  I guess I am going through a separation syndrome.  When the phone rings and I go and pick them up, I will have an immediate recovery. Now, you all have a great day, you hear.

Just got back home with the pups and now all is well in my world.  Hope all is well in yours, too.


  1. Replies
    1. Sure glad to hear that all is well where you are. Makes life a lot easier.

  2. I used to feel that way about my kids... then they all left home to be on their own... Now I treasure every phone call or... these days... e-mail. And they're pretty well groomed these days too ;-)

    1. My youngest son spent time in Germany while in the army. His work takes him to a lot of places. He just got back from the north shore of Alaska. Now, he says he is going to stay home. Time will tell.

  3. Know what you mean by that separation syndrome. Happened the last couple times we dropped Pheebs off at the Groomers then went home. House felt like a Mausoleum. We have never been without a dog/dogs around the house 24/7 since about 1996. Just can't imagine not ever having best Pal's around..........

    1. Glad I am not the only one that gets that separation syndrome. Now that I would wish it on you or anyone else.

  4. I know what you mean. We have two miniature dachshunds and if we have to leave them even for a short time at the vet or somewhere else it is like total separation anxiety for not only them, but myself and the wife.

    They both just bring so much joy to our lives.

    1. Yes, that is exactly how we feel. Yes they do bring joy and keep old folks like me alive and kicking.

  5. gosh, guess ur gonna have to take one at a time,,,

    1. You know, I thought about that. Take one every week for three weeks.

  6. What a wonderful last sentence in that update, good sir. Reading that makes my world a little bit better.


    1. If I could, I would make the whole world a better and happier place instead of all the bickering and fighting and arguing.

  7. Happy to hear all is well again at your house and the pups are home. Happy New Year.

    1. Me, too. Thanks for the new year wish of happiness. If we can get through tonight, with all the "bombs busting in air", all will be OK. My oldest pup is deathly afraid of anything that goes bang or boom and shakes uncontrollably.
