Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Gift for Me and the Birds.

The grandkids came up to see us.  They had a gift for us and the birds.  What makes it extra special is that they made it themselves.  It was a treat for us and the birds.  I hung it up with my regular feeders and snapped a picture of it.  Here it is:

Now, isn't that a really great gift?  And guess what, the birds like it, too.  So, it turned out to be a great Christmas after all.  The feeders give pleasure to the birds that come to them and birds that come to the feeders give pleasure to me.

The weather here is still unseasonably warm with highs around 80 degrees, plus or minus a degree or two, depending on the time of day.  It is now almost nine pm and it is still very warm, still in the 70's.   There is a cold front coming and that sure will stir things up with the hot humid gulf air sitting over us.  That should happen sometime this weekend.  Now, you all have a great day, what is left of it, you hear?


  1. That's a great gift! Now you'll have to get a picture of a bird eating there.

    1. I moved it up so it would rest on the suet holders. That way, the birds will have a place to grip on while they dine on the new treat.

  2. love that gift too. i see ur under a tornado watch,, we were earlier and maybe later too.

    1. Tornadoes are scary. Got hit by one when I lived up north of Fort Worth. Destroyed my camper. . . glad we were not in it,

  3. What a wonderful gift, especially since they made it themselves. Your weather sure sounds good to me. Yesterday was super windy here ALL DAY and NIGHT, but I woke up to calmer weather this morning. Still freezing overnight and cold during the day. I'm already looking forward to complaining about the hot weather in Arizona! Have a very happy and safe New Year. :)

    1. It was a wonderful gift. It has dropped about 40 degrees here. In fact, it is down right chilly out there now.

  4. What a nice gift for you and the birds.

    Yesterday it was in the 80's and today we had snow flurries...Texas weather!

    1. Yep, if you don't like the weather, count to ten and may just change that quick. When I first moved to Texas a long time ago, that was the first thing that I noticed.

  5. Home made gifts are always so special.
    Hope you don't get hit with any tornados. Be safe

    1. Had up to 40 mph winds but all straight line winds. Sure glad that the tornadoes stayed away. Was hit by one once and that was enough.

  6. That is such a wonderful gift. Home made presents are the best.
