Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas in Cut & Shoot, TX.

I am sure you are all familiar with the that old Christmas carol, Silent Night, right?  Well, here in Cut & Shoot, there is no such thing as a silent night on Christmas Eve and especially not on New Year's Eve.  Cut and Shoot lives up to its name, or at least the last part of its name.  My oldest pup is deathly afraid of things that go bang, boom, or pop and she did not have a peaceful evening.

Well, I got up this morning and ran out to see what Santa had left me over night.  Dang, there was nothing there!!  I have come to the conclusion that all the gun fire, fire works, and fire crackers frightened his reindeer and they wouldn't come near this area.  Yep, that is the reason, it sure couldn't be that I have been a bad boy or anything like that...

Well, at least Mother Nature left me a beautiful present.  I went out this morning and took a couple of pictures of the present she left me.  Believe me, I sure do enjoy nature's gifts of beauty and wonders.

And here is a picture of all of the wild flowers that grew through the fence around the dogs' yard.  Who could ask for a better gift?

I sure hope you all had a joyous Christmas and got to spend time with your loved ones and do all the things you love to do and eat all your favorite foods.  But remember, don't overdo it, in another week, we get to celebrate New Year's Eve.  Dang, that means a lot more noise around here.  That night of the year sounds like a huge battle fought in WWI and WWII combined.  I am very sincere in wishing you all a very merry Christmas, you hear?


  1. Thanks Dizzy. Those nice flowers are a great present from the creator.

    1. I also saw a snake in my driveway. It was about five feet long and very beautiful. I like snakes and my wife can't stand them. This one was red, black, and yellow.. . no it wasn't a coral snake.

  2. Are those flowers lantana? I love that they attract butterflies! I'm told that it was noisy here last night, too... I did wake up around 11:58... heard some loud bangs... either firecrackers or gunshots (I am in Mexico)... saw that it was almost midnight... didn't hear another thing until 5:30 am when the roosters start. A person we talked with today lives a few blocks away... said it was so noisy she got about 2 hours sleep. Oh well... guess it doesn't matter whether we're in Cut and Shoot or here-).. folks get rowdy during the holidays ;0

    1. I guess I am just an old curmudgeon. The main reason it bothers me is that it makes my oldest dog shake uncontrollably and at her age it is not a good thing. After we get through new year's eve everything is quiet except for normal night time noises until the fourth of July.

      And as for the wild flowers, I believe that is what they are. Look like it.

  3. Have been through Cut n Shoot quite a few times, an nice area. Probably not this year, but never know.
    Merry Christmas.

    1. When we first moved here it was way out in the woods, now civilization is moving in all around us. So, I try to keep my little 12 acres of wilderness wild. The fellow in front of me has 40 acres, but he is older than I am and if his kids and grandkids get hold of it, that may change.

  4. yes lantanas, i have them in orange, yellow, and pink.

    1. I didn't know that they were a cultivated flower, since they grow all over my wooded areas. And, I have never seen them in those other colors.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Merry Christmas.

  6. Beautiful flowers, buddy! Safe and happy holidays to you and the family!

    1. Thank you HermitJim and I hope you and yours did, too.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and all your family. Don't forget your armor plated umbrella when stepping outside on New Years. The older I get, the more noise bothers me, like that Hillbilly Bear cartoon with Pa Bear in it, the one who yells,"Noise, I can't stand noise!"

    1. If it were not for my old dog, it wouldn't bother me so much, but going to sleep early is out of the question.
