Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve.

Just sitting here rocking and enjoying the quiet of Christmas Eve.  Not doing any celebrating; no tree, no lights, no gifts, no icicles, and no cold air.  Even this late in the evening it is still in the 70's temperature wise.

Maybe Santa Claus well bring me a gift. . . or maybe not.  I haven't been a real good boy, you know.  Anyway, this is the time of year we remember and celebrate the birth of God's son sent to earth to die for our sins.  We celebrate this time of year, not because Jesus was born this time of year (he wasn't) but because some king a long time ago wanted to appease everyone and had it celebrated the same time as their Yule season celebrations.  Tried to mix Christianity in with their pagan holidays.  That king tried to please everyone, and you know that never happens.  You can not make everyone happy no matter what you do.

We have been hearing about severe weather that is suppose to move into this area Sunday evening.  They say there may be high damaging winds with a chance of a few tornadoes.  This will all happen as a cold front moves into our area.  Although our "winter" is usually later into the first of the year, it is still way above normal temperatures.  I am not going to complain.  Just telling you all how it is.  Now, you all have a great and very merry Christmas, you hear?


  1. Sounds like you ARE having a great Xmas

  2. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hubby and I are enjoying a very quiet Christmas as well.

    1. A quiet Christmas is a peaceful Christmas, the best kind.

  3. Our 25th is the same as yours . . . slow and easy. We are eating left overs today and are thankful for them.

    I am "hankering" for a pie though and may make one.

    1. Pie is always good, especially fruit pies, like cherry, blueberry, and apple. But my favorite is when my grandma back in the 50's made rhubarb pie. Yum, yum.

    2. Our pear trees were loaded and I froze some up. They make a perfect "Tennessee Pear Pie." Yum!

    3. I don't believe I have ever had pear pie let alone Tennessee Pear Pie. Is Tennessee Pear Pie just made in Tennessee or can it be made anywhere as long as the pears come from Tennessee>

  4. LOL! I found this recipe years ago in an old "Southern Living" cookbook and it was amazingly good. The first time I made it was in Springtown, Texas, but it still worked out.

    This year our pears came off the trees here in Oklahoma. We hopped over the Red River a couple of years ago and now live about a half mile from it on the Okie side. The Tennessee pear pie works here too.
