Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Birds, Birds, Birds. . .

We have lots and lots and lots of birds.  Yes, I feed them.  I buy bird feed in the large 35 pound bags which I get at Tractor Supply.  It doesn't take them long to go through that bag and I have to go get another and then another and then another. . .  I also put a couple of blocks of suet out at the same time.  Tractor Supply has many, many flavors of suet and I buy a variety of them.  They like some flavors more than others so as time goes by, I can weed out the ones they don't prefer and only purchase the ones they like.  It doesn't matter what time of year or the weather, there always seems to be hungry birds at my place.  Don't ever take it as a compliment when someone tells you that "you eat like a bird".

There are lots of different varieties of birds that come to sample my offerings.  I saw one yesterday that I couldn't think of what it was.  I went to get my Peterson's Field Guide, but guess what?  I can't find it.  It can't be far, I use it often.

Of all the different birds, there a more cardinals than any other kind.  Just before I started writing this blog posting, I looked out and there must have been more than two dozen of them.  Where did they all come from?  My wife says the birds are hiding in the trees and bushes just watching and waiting for me to put the food out every morning.  No, I don't leave it out over night because the raccoons get to it and have destroyed feeders trying to get all the food out.  The first one that they destroyed was a big, expensive, wooden one.  I now just buy the smaller plastic ones and also put a few scoops of seed on ground in three different areas all close to the main feeders.  That way, more birds can eat at the same time.  OK, so I and my place are going to the birds. . . but I like it that way.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Now you have me wondering what your bird was.... hope you find your field guide soon. Heck... you didn't even describe it so the rest of us could wonder....

    1. It was on the large size, brown back, spotted breast. Maybe a hybrid??

    2. There's one like that on my jigsaw i'm doing.. lol

  2. I fed lots of birds (and squirrels) in North Carolina. I always put special seeds on the ground that only the doves seemed to like. If I was negligent about it I'd have the female mourning dove looking up at my kitchen window until I saw her. I think my favorite birds were the black capped chickadees. They would sit patiently lined up on a nearby tree limb, waiting their turn to go to the feeder. They were so polite and sweet it was almost heartbreaking.

    1. Yep, have all the above. Even got some crows come in once, but they are nervous and didn't stick around very long. I put three piles of seed on the ground and along with the feeder, they have their choice.

  3. Good sir, apologies for my lack of interaction. Been a rather rough time as of late.

    Indeed, your place is going to the birds. I just visualised a bunch of flying Cardinals heading towards the Vatican City. Darn, I think I got that wrong.

    A good day to you.


    1. Glad you are back and commenting. Your comment on the Cardinals heading towards the Vatican got a laugh out of me and I am still smiling. Thanks Klahanie.

  4. I love feeding the birds and yes, they do eat me out of house and home. Don't get too many cardinals here, most Goldfinches and wrens. Every once in a while something different flies in to eat. Have avery Merry christmas and Happy New Year.

    1. We both do our part in fattening up the birds. They do bring me a lot of pleasure, watching them.

  5. I have a crepe myrtle outside my kitchen window, and one morning, a COLD, windy, wet day, there were 2 doves sitting all cuddled up tight as they could get. Then another time, 4 or 5 of em. Loved that. I'm a wild life lover.

    1. I put feed on the ground, too, and that is where the doves come to eat. They will not go to the feeder.
