Monday, November 23, 2015

Sorry For The Delay.

Sorry I have not posted for awhile.  My new computer was doing good and then, poof, it wouldn't go on line.  I kept trying and gave up.  I finally got a chance to take it back to the store and have someone check it out.  Since I purchased it at Best Buy, we went back to that store and their "Geek Squad" took care of us.  Well, they would have but when I turned the computer on, it worked perfect.  I guess it is something like when you finally make an appointment to see a doctor about something that ails you, the ailment goes away on the way into the doc's. . .

Oh well, it is working for now.  This has been long process trying to replace the one I had for the last few years.  The first replacement wouldn't recharge and this one wouldn't get on the internet.  Well, since it fixed the trouble on its own, we will never know what happened.

The dinner bell just rang so gotta go.  After lunch, we will make a grocery run.  Got to have groceries, right?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?

PS -  I guess I should explain a little more.  The computer didn't just start working by itself.  The Geek Squad found the problem.  There were two anti-virus programs on it and they were working against themselves.  They took them off and put a new one on and now everything seems fine and dandy.  There, that was the rest of the story.


  1. I started having problems with my upgrade and need to get hold of the guy who did the work, first this is I can't down load my pictures and today I lost my writer can't be having these problems

    1. I put some pictures on this computer and now, poof, they are gone. I still have the original chips out of the camera. I never erase them and reuse them, just buy a new chip. That way I have a back-up of all my pictures.

  2. I spend too much time fixing computers when I just want to use them. Glad to see you are back with us.

    1. And they were suppose to make our lives easier. . . yeah, right.

  3. For something that is supposed to make our lives easier, I find that computers are a pain in the butt, yet very useful. Glad it is up and running.

    1. I just mentioned above that they are suppose to make our lives easier. And yes, they can be a pain in the butt, but I have lots of pains in my butt, the computer is just one of them.

  4. Yeah, Dizzy, we are on a "How's your mom", first name friendship with all the Geeks at our local Best Buy - that's how much we use them. Well worth the price for us, especially Hubby, who has very little patience with technology.
    And we had the same problem with anti-virus programs - who knew?!? If you had one on the old computer, liked it, and installed it on the new, how would you know that the new one came with its' own that would become a push-me-pull-you? Some help ...
    Glad all is well now, welcome back.

    1. Now that is funny "How's your mom", first name friendship, it were not so sad.

  5. Glad that your new computer is up and running and that it was only two competing anti virus programs.

    I so wish we had a Best Buy close by but the nearest one is in San Antonio.

    1. Where you live, everything is far away except Mexico (grin).

  6. Thats great that you have resolved that issue, good luck with the rest of you computing.

    1. Back in the horse and buggy days, life was simpler. . or was it?

    2. When I was in school, I had a tablet and a pencil. Now a days the kids have computers.

  7. My cell phone quit working last Sunday, was on the phone with them for a long time,,, found out it was AT&T down in our area, and by Sun nite, i heard it receive a voice mail, so it has begun working again.
    My first computer was bought at BB, BUT,, when it wouldn't get on my isp, and after several came to my house and couldn't fix it, took it back,, yeah ,, to Austin. Called them a couple of days later, was told it was fixed. drove down there on an icy day, got home, SAME THING! The company, dont remember who, sent UPS to pick it up, took it to Houston, main place, had it back next day. THE MODEM WAS PLUGGED INTO WRONG SLOT!!!!

    1. They had the magic touch and my laptop is now working just fine.
